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DAMN............ sorry guys I have to rant.

I got a tac tic today. Real eye opener. It still clicks on the way up AFTER follow through. I am still NOT POSITIVE I have a dead flat wrist at impact. so I just went back to normal swinging mode and dealt with it.
I dont understand how I can hit the ball as well as I do without full compression. I am positive I am not getting full compession. I makes me fume that I am swinging wrong yet hitting the ball well. I cant stand it, knowing my swing is not right!!!! and there is nothing I can do about right now, since there is not even a GSEB around here. I REFUSE to let the standard PGA teaching pro tinker with my swing/ Since THOSE people really will never build your swing, becuase if they did, they go out of business, hence they WANT you to keep coming I believe most teaching pro teach what ever was in Golf Digest that month or the golf channel the night before . UNLIKE TGM teachers, they EDUCATE about the golf swing, so you get the lesson AND the education to go along with it.

On another note, I always thought BEN DOYLE was the father, son, and holy ghost of everthing golf swing!!! Reading this forum and all of Brian's videos on you tube has CHANGED my outlook somewhat.
It is REALLY refreshing to see MANY people out there like you guys that are SO knowledgable in TGM doctrine!!!!!!! You guys are awsome!!!!! When I talk TGM machine around here people just look at me wierd. PLus I really want to talk to people that know MORE than I do, which is hard around here as well. Or you just deal with "tip and baid aid" people. This board's teaching and knowledge is AWESOME!!!!

God I need the matrix fact I need ALL the BM vidoes.....and REWATCH the you tube stuff!!

I swear I have to find time to play LESS or play MORE but I cant keep going on like this......................end of rant.................
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Kevin Shields

Super Moderator
You dont have to be an AI to know what you're talking about. And you don't need a flat left wrist past impact to have maximum compression. If you're hitting it well you might be doing more "correct" than you think.
AI = Authorized Instructor (of The Golfing Machine)

I thought so, but I wanted to make sure.

but you know what I mean.......TGM teachers just have a way of getting the teaching in the mind of the student. I feel comfortable with an is a trust factor more than anything.
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