Hip Turn - Hip Slant (with Brian Manzella Video Answer)

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Having trouble with recieving the video answer and other ones on the forum. Can ya help me out with this?

its done on you tube i assume and you tube is censored(do to someone saying something about the king) here in thailand,so we are not going to get it unless we go to another country(laos?) to down load it.

It only goes back very slightly Jeff....your b/s pivot should move the left hip around the right "posted" leg, which is extended or otherwise...

Anything else is "wiping your ass on the grass"....

Couldn't have said it better myself.

You state that the right buttocks only goes back slightly. I never said otherwise, and I only described the anatomical phenomenon. As Brian stated, one only needs enough hip turn to get the right shoulder to the desired end-backswing spot and there is no need to pivot the hip more than that amount.

I also cannot understand why you believe that the purpose of the backswing hip pivot action is to get the LEFT hip around the right leg. What is the importance of the LEFT hemi-pelvis movement in the backswing? If the left hip moves around, what DIRECT beneficial effect does it have on the backswing?


First there is balance. Why is the right hip where it is at setup? So that we are balanced over our feet. Why should the left hip go around the right? Because if you move it in any other way you are going to change your balance over your right foot.

And second because it provides torque on the right leg from which to push off of. It's not NECESSARY but I do believe it is ideal.

Thank you, I'm here all week.

First there is balance. Why is the right hip where it is at setup? So that we are balanced over our feet. Why should the left hip go around the right? Because if you move it in any other way you are going to change your balance over your right foot.

And second because it provides torque on the right leg from which to push off of. It's not NECESSARY but I do believe it is ideal.

Thank you, I'm here all week.

its done on you tube i assume and you tube is censored(do to someone saying something about the king) here in thailand,so we are not going to get it unless we go to another country(laos?) to down load it.

Thanks Uncle David....what a stinkin' bummer!

Brian, is there another way to veiw you video answers other than through Youtube?
Ok, I've been working on my hip movement lately, and have perhaps got to the point where I'm satisfied with what I've aimed for.

My hip movement basically consists of turning my right hip very sharp on the backswing (to get in a deep enough position to have the right shoulder go down plane easily) while lifting my left heel slightly off the ground, and then to start the downswing by placing the left heel back onto the ground...Is this move legitimate, or should one prefer a different hip movement? What's the advantage and disadvantage hereof?
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