hit the best shot of my life today

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I am never comfortable talking about personal achievements, but I think that sharing these types of things is a great reminder to anybody struggling that better golf swings lay ahead and not let this great game get you too down.


Slightly Downwind 510 Yard Par Five fourth hole at the Country Club of Buffalo. Good drive leaves me in the center of the fairway with 215 yards in.

From there, aimed four yards left of the flag and hit the purest five iron that just exploded off the face, got up into the air, hinted at dropping bak to the right, lands, hops once and stops at two feet on very firm greens for a tap in eagle.

I have a hole in one, multiple hole outs from fairways, and many great putts, but I don't think anything ever felt better than what happened today.

Thanks for reading and share your best shot ever.
That is pretty sweet.

Allow me to share a great shot story from my last round.

#9 at forest ridge golf club in tulsa, ok...par 5, had 201 to pin from the left side of the fairway......201 is my 20` hybrid.....slight uphill lie so I couldn't really kill it......hit as pure a shot as I have ever hit, it never left the flag and landed 40 yards over the pin behind the green, hits the cartpath and kicks down the road 50-60 yds behind the green OB!!!!!!!

From an easy birdie, potential eagle to a double bogey 7 in one perfect swing.
Congrats. That's better than a hole in one?

I too had a great shot, for me, today. 530 yd. par 5. Drove down the middle. 3 wood from about 245 yds. to about 15 feet past the flag--the ball never left the flag, the pitch mark was 2 inches to the right of the cup about 5 feet in front of it. Burned the edge on the put, but I can't remember ever hitting my 3 wood off the deck that well.
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Great shot! That's what keeps us coming back!!

Must have been a good weekend for most of us! I was on a 395 yd par 4, dogleg right. Pulled hooked my drive maybe 170yards, right behind a tree. All I could do was chip out sideways, which I did. Had a slightly down hill shot, appx 235 in to the flag. I take my 3 hybrid and hit a rope. There is a bit of a valley before the green where you lose the ball. Seems like the ball is working back to the pin, but I don't see it for what seems like 10 seconds. :eek: Finally I see it roll to within 7' of the pin. Of course, I then promptly lip out the par putt! :D
Congrats. That's better than a hole in one?

I too had a great shot, for me, today. 530 yd. par 5. Drove down the middle. 3 wood from about 245 yds. to about 15 feet past the flag--the ball never left the flag, the pitch mark was 2 inches to the right of the cup about 5 feet in front of it. Burned the edge on the put, but I can't remember ever hitting my 3 wood off the deck that well.

Absolutely it was better than my hole in one!

My hole in one was a 135 yard wedge that spun back. I never really aimed, just fired at it. This shot had an intended ball flight. It started right where I wanted, did what I wanted, and felt how I wanted. It was great... for once :)
Great shot! That's what keeps us coming back!!

Must have been a good weekend for most of us! I was on a 395 yd par 4, dogleg right. Pulled hooked my drive maybe 170yards, right behind a tree. All I could do was chip out sideways, which I did. Had a slightly down hill shot, appx 235 in to the flag. I take my 3 hybrid and hit a rope. There is a bit of a valley before the green where you lose the ball. Seems like the ball is working back to the pin, but I don't see it for what seems like 10 seconds. :eek: Finally I see it roll to within 7' of the pin. Of course, I then promptly lip out the par putt! :D

About all I can brag about lately is the great recovery shots and the incredible cut shot I had to hit just to get back in my fairway. Of course I added a three-putt to make it a double.

Damon Lucas

Super Moderator
I saw Brian hit two yesterday!
First, he hit a hybrid from 185 out of a fairway bunker that bounced three times before wedging against the flagstick and hole before spinning out.
Then he played a super flop from 5 feet of the green to a pin 6 feet on with the lie terrible, and downhill, down wind, and the green sloping away and stimping 10. The ball landed and rolled like a putt to tap in range.

Good topic!
My best shot was my best shot because I successfully did something that I sucked at...

I had been playing about 3 years, and my wedges only consisted of a pitching wedge and a lob wedge; I had a 45 or 50 yard gap between the two. We came to a par 3 that was somewhere in the middle of that range. I couldn't stretch the lob wedge that much, so I had to back off the PW. I was horrendous at taking something off the shot, but it was my only option. So keeping the same rhythm I had going all day (I counted in my head), I made a full swing, but much slower. I can still feel the way the club moved down through the ball. It went dead at the flag, landed a little short, and rolled up to within a few inches of being my one and only hole in one. One of the very few times I'd been able to plan a shot, hit it, and have it come off just the way I'd hoped it would.
Just a quick thanks to everybody who has contributed so far.

It's a refreshing topic because I think sometimes people don't like talking about their achievements when in fact, for most of us, they come so few and far between that it is crazy to not share them when they do actually occur.

Let's hear some more, there have to be more members just willing to share some awesome golf shots :)

Also, like Damon, please feel free to share shots that you have seen/heard about from others.
3 weeks ago - Par 5, 230 out second shot.

Lake along the left, bunkers right, fairway bends left with the green tucked around behind the lake.

Was playing really good up to that point and a 7 iron in my hand to lay up. Brother talked me into the 5-wood.

Hit the most beautiful, sweeping draw that followed the contour of the fairway and made the front of the green. Had a 40 footer to tap in range for the birdie.

Ended up with my first sub 80 round with a 79. Probably thanks to that shot (and my older and wiser brother).

Would I try that shot again - probably not.


Never give up

About 1.5 months ago, closing hole, needed a par (par 5) to keep the 9 hole score decent.

Unfortunately I hooked the tee shot behind a little shrub. With not much room to swing I leave the face open and ball bounds into right fairway trap. Then I didn't get out of that trap very well, advancing only about 40 yards. So as I go up to my ball a passing thought is in my head "man, if I've got the score right, I need to make up and down from here for that par." At the ball I recall being focused and feeling, not thinking, with 180 to the hole; I use my hybrid and hit a perfect shot dead at the pin, it lands 3 feet from the hole and moves to about 3 feet past. When we get up there I sink the putt for an amazing and very satisfying par.

Since I knew that hybrid shot came off so well, I played it over and over in my mind, and planned to make sure I used all the setup and stroke cues for next week's round. And when I played next week, it was my lowest round in the last two years!
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it's amazing what a little extra focus can do. I find that I make more pressure putts then regular putts because I just tap into that "do whatever is necessary" mode.

The next step is implementing it on all shots in a round.
I can't remember the best shot ever, but i had a pretty good one this week.

Playing a friendly match with a really good player and we come to a shortish par 5 on the back 9 playing down wind. We both hit very solid drives right down the pipe, but I hit it past him by about 5 yards. The pin is on the front and he hits a nice shot that lands just at the front and rolls all the way to the very back. This guy spins the ball so I know the green just won't hold down wind because it is blowing so hard.

I have 187 to the pin, but I know there is a little downslope in front of the green (and I am playing at altitude). So I take out 8 iron (no i do not hit it that far). I hit it as perfectly crisply as I possible can and it comes off right on the one i wanted, lands short of the green and rolls 5 feet past the pin.

I missed the eagle putt. But it was still a great shot.
Playing at NCAA's this year we had a real tough par three, 224 to the pin, water all up the left side of the tee and green, pin tucked on the left edge with water short and left, wind into our face a little from the right. Pulled 5-iron and aime 10 ft left of the pin, ripped it right where i was looking, drew in with the wind landed 5ft short and rolled 6 ft past. Dropped the putt for birdie. Even though I didn't finish great in the tournament, I just remember how good it felt to execute a shot exactly the way you want in a pressure situation on one of the most intimidating holes I've ever played in a tournament. That's what keeps you coming back...

gorgeous hole. Where did they have them this year?

I play in Division II so they were at The Sagamore Club in Noblesville, IN. It's a really nice Nicklaus course, really tough, 68 is the course record and it was set during the tournament. Division I NCAA's were at The Honors Course in Tennessee.
I play in Division II so they were at The Sagamore Club in Noblesville, IN. It's a really nice Nicklaus course, really tough, 68 is the course record and it was set during the tournament. Division I NCAA's were at The Honors Course in Tennessee.

That's what I remembered seeing. Thanks.

Played D-1 golf, but never made it to NCAA's.
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