Hitting down and out

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quote:Originally posted by brianman

How about this:

The golfer ONLY has control over the grip end of the club?


If the grip end is leaning forward the golfer is hitting down on the ball?


Correct, but only if the club shaft is also rotating around the left wrist.

How can the club rotate around the left wrist if the left wrist must be flat at impact according to the Basic Imperative?

When the left wrist is flat then the left arm and club shaft are in line and both are sweeping through impact.

If the shaft is leaning forward then the left wrist must be arched and thus not flattened. The left arm will then not be in line with the leading grip end and forward leaning club shaft. Is this not an "out-of-line" condition?

Where in TGM does it say that the shaft must be leaning forward at impact?

Just clarify that for me, brianman. A simple explanation will do. Thanks.

Brian Manzella

If the left wrist is flat, the swing bottom is opposite the left shoulder or 'where the arm hangs, the club/arm unit is at its lowest point.'


But, of course, my left wrist can be flat and the club STILL be on the downswing NOWHERE NEAR low point.

On the way down....with forward leaning shaft after it reaches the 'level' to the ground position prior to impact.

So, friends, if the ball is struck with a flat left wrist, AT ANY TIME BEFORE low point...

You'll have a forward leaning shaft, a DOWNWARD-OUTWARD-and FORWARD impact and NO arched wrist.

Oh....I forgot, unless you have a shaft that kicks forward, then even though YOU THE GOLFER are HITTING DOWN with ALL YOUR MIGHT...the silly little clubhead is moving up a degree or two.


Oh....I forgot, unless you have a shaft that kicks forward, then even though YOU THE GOLFER are HITTING DOWN with ALL YOUR MIGHT...the silly little clubhead is moving up a degree or two.

The shaft cannot kick forwards until the clubhead momentum overtakes its inertial drag (lag) and that would only occur in a "throwaway", or post impact, position - i.e, once the driving force imparted by the hands on the clubshaft becomes a negative force.
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