Hitting it fat

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I have been working on (1) flatter shoulder turn on the backswing (2) start swing with lower body leading (3) keep axis tilt during contact.

I think I have made some progress with this, but having an issue with hitting it fat, cant seem to stop hitting the ground before the ball.



Any ideas? Thanks.

Kevin Shields

Super Moderator
Looks pretty good. Not a ton of axis tilt @ impact. Body is opening alot and the right arm is growing long prematurely to catch up. More closed, more tilt and get the club on top of the hands coming down.


Kevin, shouldn't the hips and shoulder be open at contact - is that what you are referring to? What does it mean to "get the club on top of the hands coming down" ? Thanks.
You look to have a little flip, which I think is what Kevin's suggestions will help. I'll let Kevin explain because I will more than likely butcher it.

Kevin Shields

Super Moderator
Kevin, shouldn't the hips and shoulder be open at contact - is that what you are referring to? What does it mean to "get the club on top of the hands coming down" ? Thanks.

They'll open later. Staying closed and moving the right shoulder downplane creates axis tilt and allows you to prepare the club better for impact.

On top of the hands, behind the sweetspot. Just not dumped early.


Regarding staying closed longer - I get it (I think) - as the downswing begins, keep the upper body closed a little bit longer.

Regarding keeping the clubhead on top of the hands - is this an issue about not losing lag? or is it more about plane angles of the hands? clubhead? the two not being in sync?

I think your backswing pivot might be hurting you. It looks to me like you have a little too much hip slide in the backswing along with too much back extension for the type of shoulder turn you are trying to make. You can certainly make it work, but it could also make it harder to do what Kevin is suggesting.
The initial force on the club at the precise moment you initiate the backstroke is incorrect. It moves the club with relation to a plane line that is too far right of target.


Its the flip release that is doing the damage, when it happens.
There is plenty of right arm, but not right wrist, bend left at impact
I will just toss in this observation. Left wrist is convex at the top
and clubface is very closed. From that position he can't really release
it without going left so he sort of blocks with a hold off move.


Thanks for the feedback.

Background to this is I had a steep shoulder turn on the backswing and then led the downswing more with my upper body than my lower body. My upper body would move slightly towards the target as I made contact, so it was easy to have the hands ahead of the clubhead at contact.

I am trying to keep an axis tilt away from the target, but it feels i cant reach the ball, and I have shots going left or right - with a driver, I can pull hook it like crazy.

Sunday afternoon I tried to stay more closed during the transition - Contact felt more solid, but it was so windy, I am not sure I got an accurate ballflight.


Like Kevin said,the swing looks ok save for running out of right arm a little soon,which will result in the swing bottoming out too soon as well.This problem is the bane of most amateur swings.

Right shoulder needs to drop down more and sooner...it should feel like the right shoulder drops under the hands to start the downswing.This would have a similar effect of getting the hands underneath the club like Kevin said.


hip slide

keeping in mind some of the feedback I have received - I think my hips are an issue - they are moving on top of my right side instead of turning into it, I then have to make a very conscious effort to slide them to target. The better turn feels it will lead into the transition better, will try it with some swings....
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