Hitting pulls

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Is there a way to tell what is causing my pulls? Besides going on Trackman? I just want to know if I need to work on my path or if it's a clubface issue. I pull almost all my woods, duck hook driver from time to time, but hit my mid to short irons pretty straight.

Thanks for any help!
I struggled with pulls and pull draws for a while. Thinking only about the clubface I worked almost exclusively on handpath and trying to keep the face open more on the downswing. Those helped, but didn't really solve the problem.

What has solved the problem is utilizing a good backswing sequencing--getting the torso turning back sooner--, utilizing ground reaction forces as described by Michael Jacobs, and getting the pelvis left into transition while keeping the torso back. From there I can go at it as hard as I want. The work on the a better handpath has paid off with this better sequencing too, though.
Saw MJ a few weeks ago, and we worked really hard on sequencing, namely slowing down my chest. My pulls didn't show up so we didn't work on that but I'm pretty sure concentrating on that will help.

Will weaken my grip and see what shot I hit. Really perceptive, thank you.


Before you launch into a complete swing rebuild:-

Bring your ball a tad back in your stance and swing more to the right of your intended target.
That way you will hit more towards the inside aft quadrant of the ball rather than the outside one.
At the course last weekend there was a bit of wind, so there could have been crosswinds, but it wasn't something that I was paying attention to.

By bringing the ball a bit back into my stance, I'll hit it more on the inside?

Does face alignment have a lot to do with my pulls? I'm a lefty, and I've been told to square up to the topline and not the sole, so to me, it looks closed.
You got it, Gravedigga.

From your perspective, lefty or not, if you square a top line, that face is inside the target line or "closed".

With a few Mile's Per Hour, right to left wind, if you see "pull", it's probably a draw.


By bringing the ball a bit back into my stance, I'll hit it more on the inside?

Not on its own but it will help focus the mind should you, possibly, be playing it too far forward right now. Should that be the case, you may just be fighting a tendency to avoid coming in and up (post impact) before you are ready to and compensating by swinging too far out - then in.

Hard to get my point across but envisage tracing the rim of an upturned circular dinner plate where the diameter line is directly north/south away from you and roughly under your left armpit (my assumption of your current ball position). You either get to the ball too late and toe end it, or hang on to your release a little too long and come at the ball from out to in.

Just a though before you get to the less simple solutions on offer.
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