Cool...I swing like this (not as good as least not yet [8D]).
Fans his arms on the backswing eh. Hmm.
K, if you could answer some questions for me that would be would
really help me to sort this out.
I also open the face on the backswing a feels very natural to me and it seems to just go with my body turn. I also have a neutral grip (trust me it isn't weak) and my wrist is flat at the top with the clubface prolly slightly open.
My swing works great with long irons- I can hit my 5 iron probably as high as most people hit their 7 irons, and I also rarely miss to the left. Now, this is good for long irons but does not transfer so well to anything higher than a 7-8 iron...especially if I want a lower shot. And this swing DOES NOT work if my hands are ahead of the ball at setup...I need to use a different takeaway (dunno how to explain it really- prolly more of a 'normal' takeaway- more of a scoop than a sweep...more up and out than around my body).
My problem is my swing is too sweeping for those short clubs...and don't even get me started on wedges. I get short, high fluffers...and I can't hit it low with this swing- if I try to move it back it just goes more to the right (can't get clubface closed).
Anyhoo, ya that's me anyway.
I assume Hogan could hit it low (of course). He must have used a different swing for his short irons right? The only way I can see him being able to alter his flight is if he kept the same ball potition (mid-forward) and just followed-through lower. Would it have to do maybe with the "Manzella pitch" style shot (where the wrist is more arched past the ball vs. the normal stly shot? i.e. the only difference is in his transition/downswing?
---or would he actually use a different takeaway like the one I mentioned above (prolly more of a 'normal' takeaway- more of a scoop takeaway than a sweep...more up and out than around my body)?