HOSEL ROCKETS SH@^%$! (videos included (rated R))

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I posted this same topic on Golfwrx.com and got a good response....i figured I would post it over here if none of you guys have seen it on golfwrx.com.....and maybe get a response out of Mr. Manzella......

I am so frustrated it isn't even funny......everyone has had these before and seems to get rid of them except me!!!

I haven't taken lessons yet but I am getting close to setting something up with the local pro......I had had lessons sorta from friends that are below 5 hcp and none of them know why I am shanking it.....they get me to stand further away from the ball which should fix it but doesn't....they all say my swing looks good and don't know why I shank it.

I will hit some good flush iron shots and then about every third nicely struck ball I will have a shank.....and all of the good shots I hit are hit near the heel of the club.

So I have some video's from when this shanking spree started but none within the past month and a half.....but I am still doing the same thing so I will show ya'll these.......

This video has about 6 different shots with a 7 iron.....some are good and some are bad (shanks). You can see after I hit the ball I will signal thums up if it is good and thumbs down if it is bad......and please don't commit on the jitters I seem to have here....I have that under control

This video is an 8 iron shank followed by a nice 8 iron shot......I don't see a difference.....neither does anyone else.

7 iron shank.....

Sand wedge shank

Sand wedge good shot

Shot from the side.....good shot

I do have a few other videos on youtube but i feel you can see all you want on these swings

Any input is appreciated

Scott, SC
I feel your pain

Been there done that. I laughed at your video, not because of the "lateral fades" but because I used to watch swing after swing on video and look at my hand gestures to tell what actually happened. It all started when I shanked an entire bucket of range balls and then had about 5 years of not knowing if the ball would go dead right or not. I believe the swings were all the same and if it went straight it was more of being lucky than fixing the problem.

I am no way qualified to give any advise so take this with a grain of salt, but my non-techincal/non-qualified comments are:

1) Looks like you are coming across the line as you approach the ball.
2) Left foot looks to be spinning out to start your downswing. Maybe this also opens your shoulders up and forces the club to go outside rather than come down?
3) From some info I've read on the forum you may want to get more upper body axis tilt in your downswing (lower spine moves closer to the target than the base of your neck as you swing down).

Again, this is only coming from someone who was in your camp for a long time. I am far from a scratch golfer and don't have a technically sound swing, but I can confidently step up and not fear the shanks.

To those that are actually educated on the golf swing, do you think Brian's NSA video would help.

Man I hope I didn't jinx myself.
Type 1 Shank (aka Open Clubface Shank)


Remember, shank means the hosel gets in the way of the sweetspot. During release, if you imagine an ant (Brian's idea) on the clubface, the ant should be looking directly at the ball. This will turn the clubface off the plane and have the sweetspot looking directly at the ball.

4 things things to fix after looking at your video:
  1. Stand further away from the ball.
  2. Make sure grip is under your left heel pad such that if you release your last three fingers of your left hand grip and bang on the shaft of the club, it will still be under your heel pad.
  3. Learn to Bend that right wrist straight back without Cocking it!! [homework: find out exactly what this means ;)]
  4. Flatten your left wrist at the top of your swing by making sure the clubface keeps looking at the ball.

Do the above and report back :)
Where is your weight at address - toes / balls of feet / equal between balls and heel / heel

You posture looks a bit saggy and maybe weight favouring your toes??

If so then try centred weight between balls of feet and heel... just favouring the heels.


I'm with Jim, lagging the hosel. You look way inside on the backswing, over the top on the downswing and the hosel is leading the way. You do have a pretty flat left wrist at the top though! Of course I don't know anything.

Welcome to the most useful Golf web site on the internet! Take a moment, introduce yourself, fasten your seatbelt and get ready to learn!

Also, do yourself a big favor. Part with a few bucks and buy, "Confessions of a Former Flipper" and "Never Slice Again" They will be the best few dollars you'll spend on golf!
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Well I went to the range today and same old thing......but like always i would tinker with things and not start hitting good shots until the end of my range session and by that time I was out of balls.

But basically nothing anyone was saying was working......what i figured out was that on my downswing, my right side (mid-section) would breakdown and become closer (meaning my right hip and my right ribs), It was like I was trying to help the ball up in the air and tilt my right side away from the ball.....it just seemed that when I would concentrate on keeping my right side strait up and down on my downswing I would not shank the ball.....but also it didn't seem like I was hitting the ball solid.....but that could be the rough like grass I was hitting at.....I will try to go out and have a full range session focusing on this tomorrow and see if it is still working.

Cross your fingers

Scott, SC


Well I went to the range today and same old thing......but like always i would tinker with things and not start hitting good shots until the end of my range session and by that time I was out of balls.

But basically nothing anyone was saying was working......what i figured out was that on my downswing, my right side (mid-section) would breakdown and become closer (meaning my right hip and my right ribs), It was like I was trying to help the ball up in the air and tilt my right side away from the ball.....it just seemed that when I would concentrate on keeping my right side strait up and down on my downswing I would not shank the ball.....but also it didn't seem like I was hitting the ball solid.....but that could be the rough like grass I was hitting at.....I will try to go out and have a full range session focusing on this tomorrow and see if it is still working.

Cross your fingers

Scott, SC

If you figured it out on your own that is great.

But if you continue to shank the best thing would be to go back and read the whole thread again..... specifically Jim's post (follow the link, watch the video), as well as Tongzilla's post.

If you still shank, watch the video again, and again, and again. This is the place for information that will really help you improve. They don't call Brian the answer man for nothing.
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Brian Manzella

I'm with Golfwolf on this one.

Coming at the ball from out to in and closing down the club face too early.

Closed face shank:-

Darren Clarke does them also.

Ian (Burner),

You could not POSSIBLY be more wrong.

He has the clubface WAY TOO OPEN halfway down on BOTH shots.

He is BELOW the sweetspot like EVERY other shanker.

On the first ball he flips it and shanks it. On the second he flips it closed enough.

And that's a fact Jack.

Brian Manzella

Peter Kostis may the worst of all-time.

He is SOoooooooooo poor at those SwingVision things, if they put me on one week doing them, they pay me a million dollars to do it every week and Peter two million to never do them again.

Ian (Burner),

You could not POSSIBLY be more wrong.

He has the clubface WAY TOO OPEN halfway down on BOTH shots.

He is BELOW the sweetspot like EVERY other shanker.

On the first ball he flips it and shanks it. On the second he flips it closed enough.

And that's a fact Jack.

When you say below the sweetspot do you mean plane??
Ian (Burner),

You could not POSSIBLY be more wrong.

He has the clubface WAY TOO OPEN halfway down on BOTH shots.

He is BELOW the sweetspot like EVERY other shanker.

On the first ball he flips it and shanks it. On the second he flips it closed enough.

And that's a fact Jack.

Thanks for the reply Brian.

BTW, are you talking about me or Darren Clarke here, and if you are talking about me which video are you talking about?

Scott, SC
I have a hosel rocket problem myself...it's with chips and pitches or half shots. It hasn't creeped into the long game. My shank consists of a glancing blow that never gets airborne and goes exactly 45 degrees right.
Through searching this site I have read everything on the subject. The only thing that cures it for me is to address the ball on the toe. Not sure why. I guess my club face is closer to the ball at impact then at address. I have watched Brian's shank video as well. I guess my question to Brian or anyone else is that can I still hit shanks with the "ant" still looking at the ball(i.e. with a square club face at impact)?
Not much else to add except...


As I got better, I picked up the shanks on short pitch shots and occasionally on the full shots. It was epidemic on the short ones though.

The shank video really helped. Do some study here on the role of the right index finger...also called PP#3 or the number 3 pressure point. It monitors the sweet spot on the clubface. When you get that spot behind the hosel on the way down you lose the feeling of it and feel the hosel. Not the feeling you are looking for.

I still hit an occasional shot that glances very right but know how to fix it really quick.

Keep surfing here and you will get this fixed. It took me about a week.
I have a hosel rocket problem myself...it's with chips and pitches or half shots. It hasn't creeped into the long game. My shank consists of a glancing blow that never gets airborne and goes exactly 45 degrees right.
Through searching this site I have read everything on the subject. The only thing that cures it for me is to address the ball on the toe. Not sure why. I guess my club face is closer to the ball at impact then at address. I have watched Brian's shank video as well. I guess my question to Brian or anyone else is that can I still hit shanks with the "ant" still looking at the ball(i.e. with a square club face at impact)?

Conkanen, I had the same problem, but figured my problem out. What your probably doing is when you hit chips, pitches, and half shots you probably have your body open just a little which would be correct. What I was doing was swinging straight down the line toward the target out to the right. Key problem here was I was swinging to the right but felt like straight down the line! So then I was hitting a shank even with the ant on the clubface looking at the ball. So to fix this , when you have your body open just a little, just swing around your body (or left because it feels left) as you would do if you were square and you hit a nice straight chip, pitch , etc. This is just my opinion on what I found out. Mainly, swing around your body as you would with your normal swing and you will contact the ball better. A way to experiment with this is when you address a chip hold your hands really close to your body and hit a chip. It will be nice and sound, but if you take your normal chip address and try to swing right down the line with an open body the way you were taught on a full swing, you will shank it on the hosel. Main reason for opening the body is to get a good turn on the chip, so follow your body. My 2 cents worth.
Thanks for the input jtf...I will definitely try that. It could be that by me addressing the club at the toe is allowing me room to swing to the right without shanking. I will try your method later and post back. Also, I have been concentrating on the belt buckle leading the hands which has really helped a lot to(on all shots). I just need to really make this fool proof.

thx Bill...when I hit a shank during a round it paralyzes me. I've been playing this game for 17 years and it's the first time I've battled with this. I must keep chugging though!

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
You know what, honestly everyone's opinions are great, however it doesn't discount the fact that for SOME REASON this person is lagging the hosel, end of story.

Now it's his job to find out why he's lagging the hosel. There are usually 2 main reasons why people shank:

1) They've over-rotated their lead arm too much at some point in the swing, causing them to get "under" the sweetspot. Then when they are "under" they are bringing the HOSEL instead of the SWEETSPOT into the ball.

2) There face is way too closed and they are swinging way too out/in and again, the HOSEL gets in the way of the sweetspot.

You need to figure out which one you are (i haven't watched the videos), then you need to remedy the situation by any of the ways we have said on this site.
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