How about "Never PULL Again?"

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Okay, bought Never Hook Again. It works, but my pull is still there.

I became a "hooker" after learning to release the club, as a former pull'slicer. I don't want to go back that way again.

I worked "confessions of a former flipper" very hard, and am making alot of progress, but I can hit a beautiful 7 iron punch that goes 15 yards left.

HELP! Thanks.
I would suggest to check your grip--maybe "weaken" it a little. Next, I would check your downswing plane. You may be bringing the club on an outside plane. Try Brian's "catch the drop" drill until you get pushes and then find the "happy medium".
I get rid of the pulls when I maintain my axis tilt through impact. When my upper body lunges toward the ball, I lose my axis tilt, and pull it.

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
Why ex-hookers Jim? Just curious

People who tend to hook the ball swing way under plane with too much axis tilt because their shoulders are so closed.

So to "fix" people like that you have to take away a lot of the tilt and you also have to make them swing, what feels TO THEM, is "over the top." Obviously it's just on plane but they are used to something so UNDER PLANE anything that resembles "on plane" will feel over the top to them.

So as ex-hookers begin to swing more on plane with less tilt they will eventually start to swing a bit above plane and have a bit too little tilt and they pull the ball a lot. Once this happens you have to introduce some draw components back in to straighten out the flight.
That all makes sense for my shorter clubs. But when I hit a real doozy of a pull with a long club, I have the sensation that I didn't pivot at all with my lower body, that the upper body just took over. I feel weight still on my right foot. This tends to happen toward the end of the round, and I have a terrible time breaking out of it.
I too have this problem, and usually at the end of rounds when I start to get tired. The thing that helps me get out of it is thinking about delivering my hands straight to my aiming point in front of the ball (straight-line delivery). Almost like I am swinging out to right field. This helps me a lot.
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You may want to check your alignment as well. I tend to pull the ball for a short period of time when I correct my tendency to aim too far to the right.
NHA is an easy pattern to learn and execute. Learn the pivot that he shows and make sure that you have tilt. That is all I do...

Golf is easy.

I've saved more strokes by covering my ears when ppl try to over explain the golf swing...

It sounds that you might be suffering from an "upper body dive" type of swing pattern, that is due to starting the downswing with an upper body move, while having a static lower body that doesn't pro-actively pivot. See -


Jeff, I looked at your site and it's clear that you have put a lot of work into it, however, cyber ink is free. If you want people to read your stuff you have to act like it costs you a dollar for each word. When I look at a solid block of text 15 to 20 lines long I just don't read it, even if I have the time. Perhaps some people want to read an academic study of the golf swing, but most golfers simply want to play better.

Also, aside from having been in medicine, I would be interested if you could give a quick run down of your teaching qualifications eg. number of years teaching, golf instruction courses completed, fellow teachers you consult with, mentors, number of lessons given, student testimonials, playing ability...
I pull (I believe) because I tend to slide my hips in the BS rather than turn them. This means I have to slide them back again in the DS and I come OTT

Just a thought but maybe because its later on in the round youre lower body isnt providing as much resistance and you may be swaying a wee bit? That seems to be what was happening to me?
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