How accurate are Swing/Shot Monitors

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I was at the PGA Superstore in Atlanta today and according to the monitor I was hooking balls of the planet. Inside swing path, square face. Lately I've actually been fading the ball.

Do you guys think these things are pretty accurate in regards to ball flight?


sometimes the calibration is off. I usually start off by exaggerating swings with an open clubface, closed clubface, inside out, straight, and then outside-in path. when the machine is working it's very accurate (except for distance).

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
What's interesting about the monitors (when they are shown from the sky view) is that sometimes your little fade/draw actually moves a lot more than you think you just don't notice as much because of your view as the golfer watching the ball.

Now i'm not saying that's YOU, but it has happened to me on several occassions.
Every single time

I have been on one of those monitors I get quick from the top and hit nothing but snap hooks because I am trying to swing too hard. Those have never been a help to me.

Ryan Smither

Super Moderator
I think that most monitors are accurate, but the fact that you're in a cage hitting balls, off a mat, at a screen 10 feet away from you--it can make you do some funny things...Talk about illusions.

If you have not been to a PGA Superstore, you MUST go...

Jared Willerson

Super Moderator
I have been on one of those monitors I get quick from the top and hit nothing but snap hooks because I am trying to swing too hard. Those have never been a help to me.

Ditto for me. It takes me a week to recover from a session in an indoor launch monitor/simulator.

I agree with Ryan, the PGA TOUR superstore (especially the ones in Atlanta) is Mecca. I must go there monthly for the vitality of my soul. :)

Ryan Smither

Super Moderator
Top 5 Reasons you should visit the PGA TOUR Superstore:

(5) You can drive away in a new golf cart if you'd like.

(4) The hat wall plays longer than most par 3's.

(3) If the 20 hitting bays weren't enough, you can always go rip some full wedges in the "pitching area".

(2) They have a concierge.

(1) There is a regulation-size tennis court "tucked" away in the corner. (THE STORE IS HUGE)
Top 5 Reasons you should visit the PGA TOUR Superstore:

(5) You can drive away in a new golf cart if you'd like.

(4) The hat wall plays longer than most par 3's.

(3) If the 20 hitting bays weren't enough, you can always go rip some full wedges in the "pitching area".

(2) They have a concierge.

(1) There is a regulation-size tennis court "tucked" away in the corner. (THE STORE IS HUGE)

The two stores in Plano, TX are around 55,000 square feet. I'm not a southpaw, but if you are, this is the place to go. They have an aisle dedicated to left-handed clubs.

Steve Khatib

Super Moderator
Most of those shops jack their machines up about 30yards approx. so you think it is going further than it really is. Its criminal fraud in my book, but nobody from consumer advocacy exposes this(because their is no consumer golf advocacy)lol.
Most of those shops jack their machines up about 30yards approx. so you think it is going further than it really is. Its criminal fraud in my book, but nobody from consumer advocacy exposes this(because their is no consumer golf advocacy)lol.

Funny, I don't remember seeing any PGA tour stores in Australia. Do you get this information first hand or just "rumor".

I have spent a great deal of time on these machines and I can honestly say that when calibrated properly they are very accurate. If anything I have seen them be a bit short with the driver compared to outdoors, mostly because the spin numbers can be inflated.

I know the people at the stores and the last thing they want is inflated numbers because of their generous return policy. If anything, they would want the player to have better success when they go to a course than in the store.

The stores give a great opportunity to test a variety of equipment in the best simulation possible. The real test comes outdoors when I think we all would agree is when the final decision should be made.

Brian Manzella


Funny, I don't remember seeing any PGA tour stores in Australia. Do you get this information first hand or just "rumor".

I am sure Australia has "big box" golf stores, Jeff.

I have personally used MANY of the machines, and the best ones are very accurate.

Of course, outdoors is best. But even BETTER, is outdoors PLUS a machine like the TrackMan.
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