How did you discover the Manzella Forum?

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Em you can find this forum using Google, I did. It takes you to a thread where it is mentioned in Single Axis Forum.
About a month ago, I wandered here from the SA forum. There was a discussion about swing plane there, and a post pointed to one of BMan's articles on this site.

I visited FGI a few times but there was so much feces flying that not much golf got discussed.

BTW, congrats Brian!

I followed Brian from F G I as well. In my opinion, Brian has very solid fundamentals and his ideas make a great deal of sense. However what separates knowledgeable swing theorists from good teachers is the ability to communicate their knowledge to their pupils. Some people learn best from seeing, some from imagery, some from feeling or a blend of two or more of the above. I am anxious to see Brian's videos to see how he conveys his knowledge to his audience. That being said, as a teacher and student myself, I am happy that this forum exists!

I notice you have some ties to New Orleans. I wonder whether you ever ran into an old friend of mine named Charlie Schaubel, who worked with Jimmy Self at the City Driving range back in the 80's? He's quite a guy and a very insightful teacher.

Allan Hill


I came here from FGI...that place was starting to irritate me. An example...Someone will ask why they are coming over the top and slicing the ball and then in the next thread say that they hit it "dead straight" 290 yards (carry I might add) with a Nemisis or some other SMT head. On top of that most of the "pro's" on that site give "advice" that sounds exactly like the advice my father in law tries to give (who is always "finding his power loss" or "I know what I was doing wrong" even though he always shoots in the upper 90's with a bad slice). On FGI Brian didn't come across very well in his posts, but at least he knows what he is talking about.
quote:Originally posted by Leroy

I came here from FGI...that place was starting to irritate me. An example...Someone will ask why they are coming over the top and slicing the ball and then in the next thread say that they hit it "dead straight" 290 yards (carry I might add) with a Nemisis or some other SMT head. On top of that most of the "pro's" on that site give "advice" that sounds exactly like the advice my father in law tries to give (who is always "finding his power loss" or "I know what I was doing wrong" even though he always shoots in the upper 90's with a bad slice). On FGI Brian didn't come across very well in his posts, but at least he knows what he is talking about.

Welcome aboard Leroy! You mean you havent used the holy grail to fix ails you in golf, the Nemesis?!? Man, that thing will turn your drives into 350 yard monsters produced by a new found 150 mph swing speed. After a week with one, you will of course have to reshaft it with a piece of rebar because the XXXXXXaccuflex world tour gold whatchamacallit shaft will be way too weak. :D
Landed here a few weeks ago. Have visited TGM Forum many times during the past year and Chuck's Forum for a few months.
Have TGM book, have read a few times but getting dumber!
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