How do you identify a Swinger, and what...

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Thanks Linyai,

So... if you're going to be 4-barrel... be a 4-barrel Swinger, or 4-barrel Hitter? Mixing the two, is no good during the same Stroke?


My original question from page one about a Swinger with a Hitter's Top position, got lost in the shuffle.

Larry Nelson is a rare hitter who goes all the way to the end. I'm sure there are many swingers who only go to the top.

On the 4-barrel issue, there are supposedly swingers who add #1 for a 4-barrel swing motion. Homer says it's possible, but then says that it's "not advisable" and "problematic". He also explicitly says hitting and swinging are mutually exclusive. I think a 4-barrel hitter is a hitter who uses pivot speed with the right arm thrust.

In my opinion, a "supposed" 4-barrel swinger is just a 3-barrel swinger who at impact SUBSTITUTES right tricep thrust for the centrifugal force which preceded it. In other words thrust preempts CF and doesn't add to it. In this case, the CF preceding the thrust was a waste of effort, and in fact probably makes the hit more difficult. I can(and have) given very explicit detailed logical arguments to prove this, and the only counters I get are things like, "Trust me, I can do it", and "Ben Doyle teaches 4-barrel swinging to old ladies every day".
quote:Originally posted by MizunoJoe


Larry Nelson is a rare hitter who goes all the way to the end. I'm sure there are many swingers who only go to the top.

On the 4-barrel issue, there are supposedly swingers who add #1 for a 4-barrel swing motion. Homer says it's possible, but then says that it's "not advisable" and "problematic". He also explicitly says hitting and swinging are mutually exclusive. I think a 4-barrel hitter is a hitter who uses pivot speed with the right arm thrust.

In my opinion, a "supposed" 4-barrel swinger is just a 3-barrel swinger who at impact SUBSTITUTES right tricep thrust for the centrifugal force which preceded it. In other words thrust preempts CF and doesn't add to it. In this case, the CF preceding the thrust was a waste of effort, and in fact probably makes the hit more difficult. I can(and have) given very explicit detailed logical arguments to prove this, and the only counters I get are things like, "Trust me, I can do it", and "Ben Doyle teaches 4-barrel swinging to old ladies every day".

I only posted a simply observation about what Ben teaches, and to whom, from his videos. Sorry it is less then you like. I didn't want to agrue a point just post a comment.

Brian Manzella

There is NO DOUBT that combination strokes are harder to do correctly.

But they CAN be done and MIGHT be the best for a particular player.

I didn't even remember where I had seen that - wasn't trying to start a debate with you or anything. That statement is "like" other statements made by others with whom I HAVE debated this subject. They always say something to the effect, "yes, but I do it", or, "so-and-so teaches it", but never show where my logic breaks down.

My claim is that people truly THINK it CAN be done, but, in fact, they aren't doing what they think. CF speed and thrust speed aren't additive, thrust will stifle CF EVERY time.
quote:Originally posted by MizunoJoe


I didn't even remember where I had seen that - wasn't trying to start a debate with you or anything. That statement is "like" other statements made by others with whom I HAVE debated this subject. They always say something to the effect, "yes, but I do it", or, "so-and-so teaches it", but never show where my logic breaks down.

Gottcha. :D

Does going to the End cause the #3 pressure point 1/4 turn rotation that Brian wrote about for Swingers? If a Swinger just goes to the Top, he doesn't need the pressure point rotation?

What about Single Wrist Action vs Standard Wrist Action for Hitting and Swinging?

Does Larry Nelson use Standard Wrist Action, or Single?

I think the 1/4 turn is only a FEELING that you get by going all the way to the end position. I only go to the top in my swinging motion, but with a maximum bend in the right wrist, which causes an arched left wrist. I use single wrist action and still do the full swivel through impact as per Brian's article, "Never Slice Again"(which I consider to be the best instructional article ever, and effectively teaches what Hogan was TRYING to describe through the impact interval, but came up short). I believe that by using an arched left wrist, you can use single wrist action, rather than standard wrist action, in a swinging procedure.

That said, most would probably be better off sticking to the rule of single action for hitting and standard for swinging as in 12-1 and 12-2.

I'm not sure about Nelson. The info about being a hitter came from Yoda on Chuck Evan's site, and that's all I know about it. I just can't imagine why a hitter would go all the way to the end.
quote:Originally posted by LINYAI

Check your clubface at both arms straight for a chip shot. (Both arms straight, Basic Motion, 24 inches back, 24 inches through.)

If it is 90 degrees to the plane line, grooves facing toward the sky left of the target line, you are probably a hitter. (Angled Hingeing.)

If the clubface aims left, grooves facing dead left for a right handed player, you are probably a swinger. (Horizontal hingeing.)

This is not a complete way to check, but one of the indicators. Swingers tend to rotate, hitters have some lateral movement towards the inside aft quadrant.

Also, do you pull the club with your left arm?(Drag loading=swinger) or do you push the club with your right? (Drive loading=hitter)
I will have to disagree. I find that most players hit on their chip shots. I'm a swinger but I "hit" my chip/pitch shots.
I don't get the rotation at the top difference. Are hitters's clubfaces closed at the top in relation to a swingers? If this difference occurs, then shouldn't you just be able to look at clubface position at the top and tell if the player's a swinger or a hitter?
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