How do you reproduce "pure swinging?"

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I really like the "pure swinging"/no torque method for a variety of short game shots, but I am having trouble consistently producing the technique.

I know what it "feels" like (from swinging back and forth like Ernest Jones talked about, hitting balls in a line like Brian has suggested, etc.) But I struggle when I try to reproduce that feeling straight from address.

Anyone have any ideas or thoughts they use?


Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
Hit balls with your left arm only, you can get pretty good results. I can hit a PW about 80 yards on the fly without too much effort.
make sure u incorprate a LCT into the swing. makes the change of directions easier and allows for better contact when not doing anything with your arms
Brian or Jim can clarify if this is accurate or not, but feeling like you swing your arms and club with your pivot seems to help me with pitch shots. Whether or not I am pure-swinging when I do that is another matter though. Worth a shot at least.
Sweet. A drill and a swing thought--just what I needed. :D

Thanks guys. I'll try 'em out. :)

Anyone else?

Try hitting with just your right hand only too....

Also try the three finger overlap (just for the range tho, Vardon grip with three fingers of your right hand sitting atop the fingers of your left hand, with a SOFT grip).....this is a really strange feeling when you swing the can't muscle it at all...

I spent a good 3 hours at the practice green today, and here's what transpired.

Basically, what I've been fighting in my short game is too much right arm (I think anyway). When this happens, I have solid contact, but not enough "touch" and I have trouble controlling distances. When I take out the right arm, I get better distance control right away, but soon I have a tendency for deceleration, dead clubhead, not enough umph, etc.

First, I tried Jim's drill, hitting shots with just the left hand. This was good, because right away I found out that I needed a longer backswing and a lot more pivot speed for what I was trying to do.

So I worked on taking the club back farther, and then "catching the drop" with an aggressive forward pivot. Worked OK.

Next, I tried to incorporate a lagging clubhead takeaway. What I eventually figured out was that it helped, but only if I used the pivot to stress the shaft going back, and not my hands to pull the grip end. By using my pivot to make the club go back, it encouraged me to use the pivot to bring the club through.

What I ended up with was this:

Use the pivot to stress the shaft going back, feel the drop, then catch the drop with the pivot. (Pretty much what holeout suggested above I think.)

If anyone can understand my long ramblings, do you think I'm on the right track?
Try hitting with just your right hand only too....

Also try the three finger overlap (just for the range tho, Vardon grip with three fingers of your right hand sitting atop the fingers of your left hand, with a SOFT grip).....this is a really strange feeling when you swing the can't muscle it at all...

I've actually been using a grip like that for my putting (two pistoleros) as I am currently experimenting with a pure shoulder stroke. It really does take the hands out. Never thought of using it to practice other shots. Maybe I'll give it a shot.

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