how my old idea of "pure swinging" was hurting my SD pattern

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how my old idea of "TGM swinging" (vs. hitting) was hurting my SD pattern

I've been struggling to understand four things lately: (1) why is my distance not any better even though everything else about my game is far better, (2) why is my left elbow still killing me when I play golf, (3) why do I have so much trouble with the tour pitch, and (4) is the only reason I can't get deep and high behind me in the backswing my lack of flexibility (and why on my backswing when I do tryo to get deeper do I also sometimes seem to lose touch of the grip with the palm of my my right hand?)...???

I spent a lot of time last weekend looking at the video Brian posted of his student last week (since removed) and of videos Brian has posted before, and I focused on use of right arm and wrist at the top of the backswing. After reading here a lot and letting it all percolate, I actually figured it out on the course during the middle of a round (waiting for some SLOW players)-- I'm not applying right side hit when the club is last horizontal to the ground and my extensor action wasn't correct, I was applying pressure through my left hand, not my right hand. My golf swing was 80 per cent left side, 20 per cent right side.

It was like a different player played the back nine. It was even better later on the range.

Basically through that remnant of a "TGM swinging" approach I had picked up before taking ever taking lessons with Brian I have been swinging with the left side, keeping a rigid left arm, and adding very little punch with the right side. The right armI added was very late and close to impact. The position of my left forearm in my backswing (and my right hand grip) was meaningless to me because I didn't intend to use the right arm on the downswing. I couldn't get a good wrist position at the top of the backswing because everything was controlled by left hand/arm.

I was, I realize now, still working under that feel that I created when I had the delusion that people were either "swingers" or "hitters" and had eliminated the right side of my body in my swing -- even though intellectually I knew from reading here in the past year that this was totally incorrect.

Now with a feeling of getting ready to add some right arm on the downswing and having a more relaxed left arm and extensor action through my right arm, I can actually get much higher and deeper on the backswing. My backswing pivot feels much more natural to me as I feel like I am just getting in a position to apply my right side during the downswing, just like I do when I play racquetball.

Big improvement! So in two days time that missing distance "arrived" and ballstriking has improved. I am hitting the ball so well this week I've been hitting balls at lunch time in the rain just to enjoy it.
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short version:

niblick learned to use his right arm in the swing.


Sorry, I do tend to be verbose at times. :)

Hey, Jim, I am also hitting a great fade after your comments and Kevin's with my short irons but am having lots of trouble hitting a fade with a driver....any thoughts on differences (upward strike, so path has to be more right, right?)?
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Just curious, what were Jim and Kevin's comments regarding hitting your fade? Thanks

There comments were just to keep the D-Plane faith. So if the ball start's left but curves too much right you've got to get that face pointing more left - closer to making face match path. I knew that from reading here, I just didn't realize just how far left the clubface might need to point to hit a fade with, say, a 9-iron. It works....

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
Sorry, I do tend to be verbose at times. :)

Hey, Jim, I am also hitting a great fade after your comments and Kevin's with my short irons but am having lots of trouble hitting a fade with a driver....any thoughts on differences (upward strike, so path has to be more right, right?)?

Aim and swing much further left until it happens
short version:

niblick learned to use his right arm in the swing.

Guitar Hero wrote about applying pp#1 at release and through impact, is this what you mean about learning to use the right arm? I too may use too much left (for a righty). What is the correct way to use it?
BTW, if you search the site for right arm, nothing comes up.

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
Guitar Hero wrote about applying pp#1 at release and through impact, is this what you mean about learning to use the right arm? I too may use too much left (for a righty). What is the correct way to use it?
BTW, if you search the site for right arm, nothing comes up.

There is a time in the swing when you should be consciously trying to use your right arm to help push the club through impact as brian has described many times. However that doesn't mean you HAVE TO. As with anything in golf, it's a choice. Personally i don't use my right arm consciously through the impact zone and i am able to generate 110-112mph of clubhead speed with a driver.
Guitar Hero wrote about applying pp#1 at release and through impact, is this what you mean about learning to use the right arm? I too may use too much left (for a righty). What is the correct way to use it?
BTW, if you search the site for right arm, nothing comes up.

In Brian's SD video he talks about the right time to add right arm "addition." I knew that, but I just wasn't doing it.

Something else Kevin Shields said stuck with me about the left arm feeling loose and rope-like. Try applying extensor action through your right arm/right hand instead of left and see what it feels like.
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