Getting in the best possible physical condition has got to help.
Get clubfit on a TrackMan with a fitter that know what they are doing.
But here are my technique top 10 for adding speed....
Brian Manzella's Top 10 Ways to Hit The Ball Farther
1. Allow your right elbow to get as far from your right ear as possible.
2. Get the weight OFF of your left foot early in the backswing.
3. Stronger left hand grip, near matching right hand.
4. Right foot pulled back for a so-called "Closed Stance."
5. Dive into your left leg at pivot start down. You will get lower.
6. While you do #5, have the shaft and your hands get as close to your body as possible.
7. Learn to time the PUSH with your right arm when the shaft is parallel to the ground, using #8 to help you do this.
8. Spring out of the ground from the dive.
9. Try to get your left shoulder as far from the ball as you can at impact.
10. Keep the butt of the club LOW as you can, and as close to your waist as you can through the ball.
Basically, this:
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Brian -- can you comment on how best to achieve No. 6? My assumption would be to feel like you are dropping arms/hands/club straight DOWN, as if to hit the right foot. Thanks, pm
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