How to fix this reverse pivot

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I really need help to get somewhere in fixing this "reverse pivot" of mine. Why I want to fix it: like most people I'd like to get more consistency in my game.

I started playing about 9 years ago. Early on it was 10 to 15 rounds a year. Last 5 years I've played more actively, 60 to 90 rounds a year. Currently playing off 10, lowest 9.

The last lesson I had was about two years ago and the only advise I really got was not to straighten that right knee.

When I get too quick my tendency is to pull the shots and then I tend to resort to hitting a hold-off fades. On a good day with good rhythm I've been able to start the ball where I want and been able work it both ways. Distance is not my main concern, even if I'm propably in average hacker range. 6iron carry 160 to 170, driver around 250 carry (on a good day).

The grip that seems to work for me best is close to Manzella neutral and I often focus on having some twistaway in my backswing, more so to hit a draw. I have to watch it, because I easily grip it too strong (even had problems of re-gripping it stronger) and then it's fore left.

Here's one more example (sorry about the poor quality). I thought I was focusing just turning my shoulders and keeping my neck in place, but on video it does not look any different than before.
<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

It may very well be that I need to find a teacher that could help me, because I do not seem to be able to make any noticeable difference on my own. I'm going to be in Jacksonville/Ponte Vedra FL area most of November and early December. Any recommendations?

I've looked at the possibility to go to New Orleans, but that just seems too far (8 hrs drive or 4 hours flights + to/from airports), except maybe on a long weekend.
You certainly are serious about golf. You could buy the Soft Draw
video. This would cleary show you how to not pop-out, (Brian's term for
letting your hands go outside on the backswing). Looks to me like you never create any tension between your lower and upper body. So all you do is turn everything back, and then rotate your upper body out and over in the downswing and have to hold off any release.

There are many testimonials about Brian's ability to fix swings.
I have taken one two hour lesson from him, and it helped.

What's an 8 drive to New Orleans? One audio book. A road trip.
Bourbon Street. Some yummy Beignets for breakfast. The best money you ever spent on golf. The gift that keeps on giving.

Book it!
i saw tiger and kim give a clinic here in so. cal and tiger said ...if you hit it better keeping your weight more left during the whole swing...then do it....a big weight shift is too hard to time.....
You certainly are serious about golf. You could buy the Soft Draw
video. This would cleary show you how to not pop-out, (Brian's term for
letting your hands go outside on the backswing). Looks to me like you never create any tension between your lower and upper body. So all you do is turn everything back, and then rotate your upper body out and over in the downswing and have to hold off any release.

There are many testimonials about Brian's ability to fix swings.
I have taken one two hour lesson from him, and it helped.

What's an 8 drive to New Orleans? One audio book. A road trip.
Bourbon Street. Some yummy Beignets for breakfast. The best money you ever spent on golf. The gift that keeps on giving.

Book it!

I've got Building Blocks, Flipper, NSA, SDP, NHA plus all Brian's youtube stuff on my computer.

When things are not working, re-reviewing NSA seems to help most. I can't really say now what's in it that does it. In SDP for me so far it's the backswing (eliminated much of my underplane issues) and how it's dynamic, free swinging - and the toss. The back&forth drill I did not really understand properly at first, before I came across the old MacDonald's drills. Then I finally understood what Brian meant by hands & legs working independently. That part I had always missed before too.

I may lack tension in between lower/upper body, but there is also the lack of flexibility issue that may make it look like there's no tension (an average or flexible person would not have it at that point), but for me I've already rotated almost as much as I can at the top.

I think I also have downswing issues, regardless of what happens when going back. For example I think that I've not yet learned how to do a proper counter-fall so that I'd get my lower body rotating and pulling the upper body around. I used to just fall left without any addition of axis tilt. Now I think I get a least a little bit (and little bit more with driver), when I'm hitting the ball well.

I've been able to get some of the run-up and jump idea to work occasionally too and it feels really good when I get it to work. I know that I've definitely been missing the jump part completely.

I keep thinking about New Orleans, it would be a question of planning it so I could take the time off for it. How much time do you think would be needed to make a real difference? If I'd go that far I might as well go for a two-day package, then there would be time to spend on the short game as well.

Still it would be nice to find someone closer that could at least get me to the right direction. But how do you know up front if it's going to be of any help.
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i saw tiger and kim give a clinic here in so. cal and tiger said ...if you hit it better keeping your weight more left during the whole swing...then do it....a big weight shift is too hard to time.....

I think the whole concept of weight shift can be miss-leading, because at least for me it's easier to shift weight by moving my swing center (neck) and the whole body with it than doing it the right way, where swing center does not move. I still can't do it properly, even if I think I know what is supposed to happen.

When I had started golf, I took a lesson from a pro that basically told me that I was not shifting my weight and that was the reason I was not getting any length in my shots. Then he watched me try to do it and I'm sure now that I did it totally wrong, but she eemed happy that was shifting my weight by rocking my whole body back and forth.
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