How to hit a Driver Brian Manzella, PGA, G.S.E.D.

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Brian Manzella



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So you're saying allow your head and body to shift back a little bit on the backswing and then keep the head behind the ball through impact? I agree with that but what are your thoughts about lateral head movement as the clubs get shorter, and lateral movement in general?

Brian Manzella

Good Question...

The head is not a component.

It has only one use in the golf swing: To assist in the balance of the pivot and the force.


The swing DOES have a center, but that center is NOT the head. It is a point—precisely between the shoulder SOCKETS.

On Mike Finney, it is the green dot.

Anyhoo, I will add audio to the pictures as soon as I can.

[note: I have been very busy with family and holidays, and folks—I love you dearly, but—I needed to take a break. My "year" starts Monday, and we will try to add some content EVERY DAY, even if it is just old content, with a fresh look]
the purple line is his spine. On the way back the purple line is still an almost exact match to his spine up to the top, so on the backswing, the WHOLE LINE is his swing center. He is revolving around door hinges so to speak. On the downswing his swing center THEN becomes the dot, but as the picures show, not exactly. at set up that green dot favors the right side of his collar just a little, very little. Post impact you can easily see it favors his left collar. SO really Mike has no constant swing center, judging by the lines
As I see it the green dot is the swing center. The spine pivots under it!

And provides the leverage for the shoulders to swing down plane.

THIS is the core secret of long driving.

Brian Manzella

the purple line is his spine. On the way back the purple line is still an almost exact match to his spine up to the top, so on the backswing, the WHOLE LINE is his swing center. He is revolving around door hinges so to speak. On the downswing his swing center THEN becomes the dot, but as the picures show, not exactly. at set up that green dot favors the right side of his collar just a little, very little. Post impact you can easily see it favors his left collar. SO really Mike has no constant swing center, judging by the lines


The "center" is 3-D.

In my opinion, it is STILL in the same palace as address.

Or damn close.
MY HERO! Brian, thanks a load....

I see a set up area I need to fix.

Do you still recommend a sight turn of the belt buckle behind the ball (at address) and slight closed stance?

[note: I have been very busy with family and holidays, and folks—I love you dearly, but—I needed to take a break. My "year" starts Monday, and we will try to add some content EVERY DAY, even if it is just old content, with a fresh look]

Thanks for the heads up. I was beginning to think you'd labled me as one of the imposters. I fully understand the need to take a break!!! Hope you are good and rested and ready to go!

The "center" is 3-D.

In my opinion, it is STILL in the same palace as address.

Or damn close.
I understand what the center is, but in his swing he has no fixed center. He turns around the SPINE on the way back, then he swings around a base of the neck center on the way through, so he switches swing centers during the swing. If you still have the search for a perfect swing book, illustration 13.3 shows a center throughout the swing. the center has multiple ways it can move during the swing, it can go towards or away from the target, it can go up and down in height, and it can move in front or behind him. this swing switches centers by about three inches downwards, from the squat down move during the swing. The dot, at impact, chould be moved down to accomodate that.
Appears to me that Brian is absolutely correct; last frame shows lowered head or bent neck at impact and tilted shoulders, but otherwise all three dots are at the same height.


Tom Bartlett

The center of gravity on a normal shaped human being is approximately one inch below the belly button.

Center of the swing is between the shoulders inside the body. The club's center is the left shoulder. The shoulder's center is a spot between them.



would you consider your left wrist flat at the top of your certainly is flat post impact.

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
You know what? I think you are all full of poop, until someone in this thread says the center of X is Y BECAUSE with support I think you are all just internet warriors.
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