My 0.02 cents:
Tour players hit over 300 balls and/or play 18 every day. No one on Tour has the identical routine. Some work on their fundamentals all day, such as the setup. Colin Montgomerie, for years, has had a very consistent full swing and he spends a lot of time on his putting.
In my opinion, you need to play as often as you can. That's where it counts, afterall. I think it's great that you can hammer 300 yd drive after 300 yard drive, but if you can't hit the fairway time and time again, what good is the power? And I don't know how many times I bombed one down there only to three-putt, or blade a short pitch over the green. So, I say practice the short game MORE than the full-swing. Get good at chipping it dead and pitching it close. That will start knocking the strokes off faster than ANY increase in driver distance.
Brian, in his Flipper video, said the game, now more than ever, is about power. If you have leakages you are going to be exposed. Thus, you want to start there. I like to warm up with the 'acquired motions.' I take my wedges out and focus on good compression. Nothing big, just nice solid compression. You can do this a number of ways. Over at Lynn's site there's a vid of Ben taking a student into the sand trap. Ben makes him do little swings buy taking sand just after where a line is drawn in the trap. If he hits on the wrong side of the line, he's hitting fat (and that might be because of some throw-away).
Secondly, and this depends on the skill of the player, is your PATH. Are you coming in too steep? You want to hit the ball from the inside and I'd love Brian to have like 344523412321 video shorts on a number of swing issues (setup, roll of the arms, etc.) but I'd love to see one on the HIP ACTION. Homer likens the correct hip action to a hula move and I LOVE that analogy. The head of a hula dancer is steady, while the hips slide and turn.
I'm sure Jim or Ed might chime in with plane lasers and that will give you an idea if you are out to in or perhaps even under plane.
For me I need to work on shortening my swing and holding the FLW at the top. I tend to have too much right wrist bend and that is messing me up at the top and there is some throwaway robbing me of power.
I don't have a magic forumla for you. I would try something like 30-60 mins of putting, chipping pitching at least once a week and maybe another day where you are hitting full shots with a variety of clubs. For God's sake take your time when you are hitting balls. LOOK at your divots. Take note of where they point and where they started. If you practice 4x a week scale it back some, and play one more day instead. Play 9 holes, just play, play, play!