ideas about the release/ ten finger grip??

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so I've really been thinking about Mike and Brian's thoughts or ideas on the release. Relized I was still really struggling with this and still getting quite a bit of handle dragging.

I can get away with it with my short irons, but it gets exposed with my longer clubs and woods. Anyway, while experimenting i started working with a ten finger or baseball grip and noticed I started releasing the club far better and was able to really start increasing my ball height amount of spin, and even pick up length with the longer clubs.

don't know if I'll stick with this, but it definately helps to start train the release, was wondering if anyone else had tried this with any success.


Hey Tball88

I use a 10 finger grip since forever, Ive been woking on IOTR since Nov. of last year. For me on the longer clubs I feel like the out toss with a full shoulder turn goes how can I say behind me. I take a few slow practice swing making sure my out toss is behind me, if I want a fade then the out toss more on the side of me. does this make sense? Of course I have to make sure my pivot is in reacting mode, cause today I did the out toss on the side of me with a 7 iron but my pivot was not reactive but active and I pulled hooked it 20 yds left of the green.
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