Ideas release help

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I've been working in the new release swing again. Having trouble with thinned shots and misses right (pushes and even an occasional push slice). I've tried strengthening my grip, but have gotten to the point that it is seeming unorthodoxly strong. I feel like my new release almost has a scoopy feeling even though I'm trying to hit down on the ball slightly[SUP][/SUP]. However, if I rotate my left wrist bone left more quickly it turns into a pull draw left shot. I will post video tomorrow. Any recommendations?
I had some of the same things going on until I felt the tug of war. If I don't feel that it tells me I have not tossed enough while the back was still turned. I have had to develop more trust in the toss.
Follow up: here is my swing with ideas on the release incorporated. I've been playing with it for a few months now. Hitting it okay, just not super consistent. Hoping to get a lesson with Brian when he's in the bay area. This is a 8 iron straight ball flight, went about 145yrds. Misses are what I posted above plus an occasional poor contact.

5.30.12 Face on - YouTube

5.30.12 DTL - YouTube
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