Swivel...ahhh swivel...I wish
Hot Chili always comes with the best pics and video.
Btw, Chili it would help you to roll your left forearm a little more post impact by turning your knuckles down. Like Bernhard is doing.
Thank you!
I've tried the swivel action post impact, It's too dangerous for me, it invites pulls and hooks.
I'm working hard this last month to fix my clubface first and then go ahead and release and swivel.
My swing plane is a little steep, more towards the shoulder plane, it might look like my clubface is less open on my downswing but I can feel it,
when I address the ball with a way open clubface I can release and swivel so...
It might sound crazy but I really try to open my clubface on my backswing...
I have a "closed" clubface at the top and my grip is neutral so really, I have idea about my right wrist, I bend it too much from takeaway to the top on my backswing.
I saw the pictures that Teris10 Posted and it really help me to understand that I really have to actually cup my left wrist more, it sounds crazy - reverse twistaway, I'm trying to hit a SLICE.
That's how I can fan open the clubface and swivel Post impact, and the funny thing is that I have this problem only with my woods so it might be a mental thing, I carry my 7 Iron about 155 Yards and my driver...well only 220!
That's cause I'm holding on post impact, I'm playing for 2 years and I'm 4 handicapp, this year I learn to hit a few shots like fades, draws, low shots, high/low spin shots wedges what I need no problem, I really control my ball flight, but this clubface issue that I have, it's too much compromising and specially with my driver...although quite straight but really short and not very consistent.
BackSwing - "closed"
Top - "shut"
Downswing - "closed'
Post Impact - Holding on for dear life...
Finish - confirmation for "closed" clubface...