Impact fix at set-up

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I have been trying to go to a mid-body set up at address, but it just doesn't seem to be working for me. I'm just more comfortable with an impact fix set-up. I just do not strike the ball nearly as well as I do with an impact fix set-up. I went to mid body hands because my accuracy was a bit off even though my ball striking was very good ( for a mid-high handicapper ), and thought it may help. I believe I have fixed my accuracy issues ( my alignments were pretty bad, still working on that ). My question is, when using the impact fix address, I always set up with the face square. For some reason, I seem to remember Brian saying if you set up with impact fix hands, you better have the face open? Am I remembering this correctly? If that is indeed the case, it would explain some of my accuracy issues possibly?

How about starting mid body hands, then as a trigger to start your swing go to impact fixed and start your back swing. Kind of an exaggerated forward press? I'm not sure about the face though.
How about starting mid body hands, then as a trigger to start your swing go to impact fixed and start your back swing. Kind of an exaggerated forward press? I'm not sure about the face though.

Yea, I was trying that as well. It was better, but I just seem to strike it better with the hands forward at set-up. Wish I knew why:confused:
My two cents, hands forward with irons produces shaft lean which promotes downward strike and lag versus hands even or behind which produces sweeping strike.
With woods, hands ahead promotes lag if you don't change things during the backswing and take the club back along the feet to target line. Since the ball position is more forward with driver, you will sweep and get an ascending angle of attack but the lag is better.

I disagree. I believe mid-body hands should be taught to MOST beginners who slice and have trouble creating lag. Brian teaches MOST people to use mid-body hands I believe. I think mid-body hands allows a golfer to create a better hand path in the BS to avoid taking the club too far away from the slicer/golfer. Once the golfer understands the hands need to be ahead of the ball to create some shaft lean at impact, it's easier for them to piece together the blend of good pivot and impact hands and what that means. I think mid-body hands allows a golfer to become more of an "athlete" allowing the golfer to use the pivot and create some throw in the downswing, creating speed correctly, more easily, lagging clubhead takeaway or not. Maybe, the release action(sweep,straight lineetc.etc.) is more about HOW the golfer uses the pivot, instead of how a golfer sets up to a ball statically.
I have been very much tinkering with this.

Very promising for me.

Helped me hit a draw unlike I ever have...

In Tgm it's 'Impact Address' btw.

('Impact Fix' is a pose of impact...shoulders/hips open and the whole deal.)

"Impact Hands Address":

-more inside clubhead path in bs
-more in to out ds
-pre-twistaway of sorts (arch with counter-clockwise rotation)

I noticed when I move my hands forward at address, keeping the same ball position...

...if I 're-connect' (left arm to torso) I have to either move my torso toward the target ("into my left arm") which is just silly...

...or move the left arm into the torso.

With the hands staying in place (forward), the latter adds a counter-clockwise rotation to the whole arm.
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