Instruction or drills for balanced weight shift

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I have a problem losing my balance when I swing. I try to keep my weight centered but I will often rock forward onto my toes in the downswing which causes a variety of bad shots. Can you offer me any advice/good drills on how to acheive a balanced weight transfer.


Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
It's because you have too much weight on your heels in the setup; no offsense but are you a little "mid heavy"? I see in students who tend to be that they prefer to be much more on their heels, however you really need to be more on the balls of your feet otherwise your equilibrium will try to find a true balance and because too much is back, you'll fall more foward.
I'm actually 6'0 and @ 185lbs. I try to be balanced without my weight being too forward or too back at set up, and I try to swing smoothly and stay in balance when swinging, but I realy have a problem keeping my weight from moving too foreward.

I've played competetive sports all my life so I'm as athletic and coordinated as much as the average guy. Know of any good drills that could help me?

Thanks for replying Jim.

Damon Lucas

Super Moderator
I like to get people swinging on slopes. You can usually sense where and when you get out of balance, and can remedy from there.

Also, balance loss is often really a counter balance against your golf swing.

Thanks for your input Damon. Once you've found where in the swing they lose their balance, what do you do to correct them? Do you just have them swing on on the slope until they stop losing their balance.

Where should the weight move in the swing. Is it always in the balls of my feet?

Damon Lucas

Super Moderator
The weight should move according to the shot shape and trajectory that you use.

eg A fader will have more weight in the middle of the right foot for the backswing and then move more towards the left heel in the transition.

What you don't want is conflict between the type of shot and how you move your body.

With respect to 'discovering' where you're losing balance, think about the direction your body is moving(then correct your body) as well as thinking about how your swing is causing you to move in the wrong direction, and work at that correction.


Get two ten pound dumbbells and do bicep curls while standing on one foot then on the other foot. Translate that feeling to your swing. The exercise won't hurt your conditioning and flexibility if you do this two or three times a week and limit your curls to say twenty per foot.
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