Interesting Article

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Most people that do these so called studies don't have enough experience to interpret the data properly but usually have some new gadget to test with and then guess as to what it means. Phrase a few buzzwords in order to frame their work as scientific and revolutionary and Bob's your uncle, another useless study conducted by a moron that on average can't hit it past the 200 marker.
Brian would have a field day with these guys...

... he'd tear apart their "understanding" of the golf swing.

Once again... the "pop" analysis... fails miserably...

That segment was basically "Anatomy of a Hacker"... not very useful from their limited understanding.
the guy in the video isnt the same guy that did the study mentioned in the first part of the article. that being said, its likely that the study mentioned just picked golf as a model to test their physics, rather than doing the study for the express purpose of advancing golf knowledge.
From the article:

"The optimal strategy consists of hitting first with the shoulders while holding back with arms and wrists and, after some delay, hitting through with the arms. At release, the wrists should hit through."

Well, there are clues in that, but barely.
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