Invitation to Enlighten

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Finally somebody has posted their swing up on the Shanking - The Stone Truth thread. Here is Brian's oppurtunity to set everybody straight using a test case and explaining in detail what is happening during this action - which I'm sure will help everybody get there head around the elusive "lagging the hosel" concept.
It would be good if people had a stab at analysis. I attempted and I don't care if I'm right or wrong I just want to find out the Stone Truth as to why he shanks that damn ball:eek:

Bring on the responses

Finally somebody has posted their swing up on the Shanking - The Stone Truth thread. Here is Brian's oppurtunity to set everybody straight using a test case and explaining in detail what is happening during this action - which I'm sure will help everybody get there head around the elusive "lagging the hosel" concept.
It would be good if people had a stab at analysis. I attempted and I don't care if I'm right or wrong I just want to find out the Stone Truth as to why he shanks that damn ball:eek:

Bring on the responses


comes over the top using his hands which are on the wrong path
comes over the top using his hands which are on the wrong path
Today 04:28 AM

How is he coming over the top when he is tracing a straight plane line UNTIL release point. He has shifted plane angles during startdown and downswing but is not above the plane until release point.
How is he coming over the top when he is tracing a straight plane line UNTIL release point. He has shifted plane angles during startdown and downswing but is not above the plane until release point.

call it what you want but that is an over the top move in that swing and whose definition is a straight line
QUOTE]call it what you want but that is an over the top move in that swing
Your opinion, but I think your barking up the wrong tree with your definition of what over the top means.:p

whose definition is a straight line

The golf clubs :D It's angle determined the base line (straight line) of that plane.
Your opinion, but I think your barking up the wrong tree with your definition of what over the top means.:p

The golf clubs :D It's angle determined the base line (straight line) of that plane.

Ok Twich here it is for you The golfer is falling into the ball He does not swing from the ground up his pivot is wrong and yes he is tracing a straight line but not to the correct place and he rolls the clubface shut to flipville city
comes over the top using his hands which are on the wrong path

This is what it looks like to me as well.

I know twitch127 disagrees, but I can't do the TGM-speak well enough to engage with what he's saying there. It just seems really obvious to me that he's not coming at the ball from the inside.

Brian Manzella

Pretty big file...smaller on e coming...

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Thanks for explaining that. I know more about shanking than I did 10 minutes ago ;)
Thank god for old fashioned video cameras
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