Is that your final answer?

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I`m wondering of all that tried different take aways and downswings from all instructions here, what or which one did most finally settle on? Fore instance the takeaway,right shoulder ,left shoulder, right hip,left hip, back of the right hand(brians)etc. I`m so messed up I`ve done them all and all worked for one day and I`ve been swithing all of them for a year and now I`m f....up..Help

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
The trick is to find the specific group that work together FOR YOU. Some don't work with others and that's why it's "come and go." When you work with an manzella academy instructor, we have the knowledge to know which components go together and by looking at your swing which ones you will naturally gravitate towards. We then put you in them and thats why you start hitting the ball better so much faster.
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