is this...?

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My left arm looks like its really far away from my body at this point in the swing. Should the arm be more in, and club more out? Like, reverse pop out for the downswing. I've heard people mention the tumble on this forum and maybe someone could shed some light on that for me?

What I see is swinging to the right and a pitch elbow. I don't really see a problem unless you are swinging too much to the right.

Kevin Shields

Super Moderator
Put a bag over your head and thats Freddy Couples. Are you long, dude? Tournament player? Its not stuck if your aiming right or playing a draw ( or hitting about 6 dgrees up). Whats the iron swing look like, similar? I wish I could see the clubface. Is that a headcover still on?


The sooner you get the right wrist below your right elbow the sooner you'll get the look you are asking about. Whether it's a good thing depends on what the clubface looks like.
I am curious where the whole "stuck" idea comes from and what it actually means. People seem to use it to mean many different things. Is there an actual condition the golfer is describing when the term is used (if so, how do you describe it in Manzella-eze?)? Is it really just describing getting in a condition on the downswing in which you then can not get the face/path you need for your intended shot (which would describe a multitude of conditions depending on desired shot?)? Is a too shallow/below plane/too far right swing what is being described?

Among sort of good weekend golfers I play with who are single digit handicappers and among current TV commentators the two most common swing critiques seem to be 1) I am/the player is getting "stuck," and 2) I am/he is coming out of his posture at impact.

How did these become so pervasive as comments?
Put a bag over your head and thats Freddy Couples. Are you long, dude? Tournament player? Its not stuck if your aiming right or playing a draw ( or hitting about 6 dgrees up). Whats the iron swing look like, similar? I wish I could see the clubface. Is that a headcover still on?

Yes, I'm pretty long. People ask me all the time how I hit it so far, and especially for my size. I play in tournaments over the summer a fair amount, need more consistency. I will try and post up an Iron swing for everyone when I get a chance. I typically do hit a draw, and I know for sure I do not hit up 6 degrees with my driver. It sure does look like a head cover is still on the club, but there isn't.

Brian "You tell me..."

I guess after looking at those pictures, my left arm is similar to some descent players ;):D But It does look like my right elbow is more in front of my hip where theirs look a bit further behind their hip.

I guess the more appropriate term would be, swinging to far to right or to under plane. Which I believe I may do when I hook it too much which is my miss. So I should swing more left or less down I think?

Thanks for the input all, greatly appreciated!
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Here are some more pics through the ball.

Any thoughts?


It doesn't get better than this. (Textbook, but I'm not allowed to mention the name)

Turned Shoulder Plane. Awesome. One in a million. Perfect Flying Wedges, On-Plane Right Forearm and Horizontal Hinge. High #3 Accumulator, Snap Release.

If anything, you're clubhead is slightly under-plane during the downswing and above Plane after Impact (I analyzed Photos in first and last posts, but I'm not allowed to show the lines). Technically, "D" Plane theory, it's swinging right. If I see a picture of your Clubshaft at the Top of your swing, it probably crosses over to the right. So, the correction for your unintentional Hooks-Draws would be to feel like you're slightly laying-off the club at the Top.

If you want perfect, then learn to roll your right foot before your heel lifts off the ground.

Please share the video or the entire sequence.
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It doesn't get better than this. (Textbook, but I'm not allowed to mention the name)

Turned Shoulder Plane. Awesome. One in a million. Perfect Flying Wedges, On-Plane Right Forearm and Horizontal Hinge. High #3 Accumulator, Snap Release.

If anything, you're clubhead is slightly under-plane during the downswing and above Plane after Impact (I analyzed Photos in first and last posts, but I'm not allowed to show the lines). Technically, "D" Plane theory, it's swinging right. If I see a picture of your Clubshaft at the Top of your swing, it probably crosses over to the right. So, the correction for your unintentional Hooks-Draws would be to feel like you're slightly laying-off the club at the Top.

If you want perfect, then learn to roll your right foot before your heel lifts off the ground.

Please share the video or the entire sequence.

I'm working on learning to roll the right foot before the heel comes up. It's something I've never really focused a lot on. After reading on this forum about the right heel several times, I decided it wasn't that important as the ball didn't know what my heel was doing. But I think it could help some.

Here is the video, sorry for the size and quality, iPhone was all I had on me at the time.

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
but I'm not allowed to show the lines

flat, have got to look into will wash away your desire to draw a line on a screen actually could be argued and argued very well that because of the parallax issue MANY unfounded, incorrect, and damaging theories about swing plane (and it's "under" and "above" plane cousins) have been put forth by the line drawers of the world...

there is absolutely one single spot on the screen which is not truly distorted by going from 3D to 2D....once you set the video in motion, the distortion gets worse and the "applicableness" of the lines is thrown out the window....

please trust me on this..

now, a player who is GROSSLY off plane can benefit from some general plane awareness made possible by a line correctly placed, but a golfer with a small tolerance will get worse after looking at video with lines because of parallax and camera setup limitations - i feel better now

Brian Manzella


Turned Shoulder Plane.

Backswing, yes. Downswing, slight shift, but so what?

Awesome. One in a million.

I like it too, but how about 1 in a 1000. Could get better.

Perfect Flying Wedges, On-Plane Right Forearm

Does the ball know about any of that stuff?

Horizontal Hinge.

Nobody, technically, does it.

"D" Plane theory, it's swinging right.

In any theory, except for ones where they want you to swing 11° inside-out, it's slightly too inside-out for what he's trying to do.

If I see a picture of your Clubshaft at the Top of your swing, it probably crosses over to the right. So, the correction for your unintentional Hooks-Draws would be to feel like you're slightly laying-off the club at the Top.


I could not disagree more.

If you want perfect, then learn to roll your right foot before your heel lifts off the ground.

For what?


I'd like to see the club slightly more open at the top, and the whole power package move more leftward through impact.

And that's it.
I'm working on learning to roll the right foot before the heel comes up. It's something I've never really focused a lot on. After reading on this forum about the right heel several times, I decided it wasn't that important as the ball didn't know what my heel was doing. But I think it could help some.

The cause of your difficulty is the angle of your right foot. Your right foot is turned out. Thus, you roll and lift simultaneously. If you re-align the foot perpendicular to your stance line, then it will roll and lift in an easy sequenced manner.

The cause behind your big draws is obvious. During your takeaway, your turn your hands to plane, clockwise as they should. However, near the very end of your swing, you rotate them counterclockwise. This forces your clubshaft to cross the plane to the inside. Then, during the downswing, you have an inside-out strike. Be conscious of that. It's a very common mistake.

Unfortunately, it's a built-in habit. They're very hard to break and unconsciously creep back. You may want to add something into your pre-shot routine to force you to remember.

The first few times you correct the counterclockwise rotation it will feel as though you're laying the club off at the top. But after a few tries, you'll feel the On-Plane stability. Then, going back to your old ways, you'll easily feel the counterclockwise rotation.

Unfortunately, pictures with lines are "Verboten". These two alignment corrections could be easily punctuated with illustrations.
I like it too, but how about 1 in a 1000. Could get better.
How about 1 in 5,000

Does the ball know about any of that stuff?
No, but the ball doesn't swing the club.

Nobody, technically, does it.

In any theory, except for ones where they want you to swing 11° inside-out, it's slightly too inside-out for what he's trying to do.
Obviously we can correct the problem by having him stand open, open the face and hit push shots all day. But why do radical surgery or compensations when only a little correction is needed.


I could not disagree more.
I can't even respond to that.

For what?

No. This kid is that good. He can be a great Golfer.

I'd like to see the club slightly more open at the top, and the whole power package move more leftward through impact.

And that's it.

Thank you for all that info, all made sense to me. I definitely want to square my right foot up, it's always been flared a bit and it always has. I can see that the last few inches of travel how my arm reverse turns, I could never really figure out that look at the top that I do, and I think that is it. I wonder why it is a common problem?

I'd like to see the club slightly more open at the top, and the whole power package move more leftward through impact.

And that's it.


I understand what you mean by having the club more open at the top. But my question is, how is this best accomplished. I can get it there by rotating my left arm more clockwise, or I can do it by feeling my left thumb more under the shaft at the top. They look and feel completely different to me. I couldn't agree more with swinging more left through the ball. Thanks for all the help. I will keep you all posted and hopefully have more video soon.

Thanks everyone!
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Steve Khatib

Super Moderator
flat, have got to look into will wash away your desire to draw a line on a screen actually could be argued and argued very well that because of the parallax issue MANY unfounded, incorrect, and damaging theories about swing plane (and it's "under" and "above" plane cousins) have been put forth by the line drawers of the world...

there is absolutely one single spot on the screen which is not truly distorted by going from 3D to 2D....once you set the video in motion, the distortion gets worse and the "applicableness" of the lines is thrown out the window....

please trust me on this..

now, a player who is GROSSLY off plane can benefit from some general plane awareness made possible by a line correctly placed, but a golfer with a small tolerance will get worse after looking at video with lines because of parallax and camera setup limitations - i feel better now

There is sooo much parallax going on(more than the parallel plane theory guys) and line drawing is a waste of time. What is the ball doing Or not doing? What shot cant you hit that you need to be able to hit?

Brian Manzella


It has been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt, that no one uses a "Horizontal Hinge Action" during impact, or even just before and just after, and certainly not "hip high to hip high."

So, the correction for your unintentional Hooks-Draws would be to feel like you're slightly laying-off the club at the Top.


I could not disagree more.

I can't even respond to that.

I would NEVER do this, and if you saw how much better golfer's numbers get on TrackMan when they DON'T OVER-ROTAE their left arm flying wedge—which is what "laying the club off is," you'd change your mind in a hurry.

If you'd open it to begin with.

This kid is that good. He can be a great Golfer.

Let me ask you this, if he puts up the face-on view, do we have to Tripod him as well?


The top of the backswing open clubface issue is NOT REALLY AN ISSUE if the ball does what you want after you fix your hand/arm/& club path.


Just weaken you grip a hair, or bend your wrist a hair.
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