Brian Manzella
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Attack angle is MEASURED (not calculated) by Trackman. What's your question about attack angle?
If someone made such a forward measuring device another person would come along and say the ball blocks the clubface and therefore it can't be measured properly. You would probably still need to calculate face angle because face angle at impact is affected by gear effect as explained by Brian in his video. If you put something in the club maybe that would work.
My question has been if anyone knows the definition what they use for AoA in TM or FS. How much before impact and how far after it.
wulsy -
Gravity is only a theory/estimation as well!
Naah. Gravity is not a theory, it is a real force. The fact that noone can explain it does not make it is unreal.
Prove that it exists! You can't prove it with mathematical certainty but that's what certain detractors want from Trackman (and the subtle point of my post). There are certain scientific truths that are built upon faith that can't be proven with exacting certainty but we accept these truths in life.
Some people still believe the sun revolves around the earth! Geocentrists.
I'm 95% sure who told me this, but I won't mention the name because I'm not 100% sure. And if it's not true I hope to be corrected...
TM's reported AA data includes measuring after impact, while FS's reported data does not include measuring after the impact collision. This was the explanation given why TM doesn't like divots, but FS doesn't mind them. Again, I have not tried to have this information independently confirmed.
So big, that even about same angle to the ball but low and long follow through gave different results than sharply up taken ch after impact.
....measured is not the right answer.....