John Jacobs on Process

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I've read some books of his.

Jacobs approach is that if you were a slicer, you get given hook ideas, but if you are a hooker, you get slice ideas. Little corrections, never too much at once.

Fundamentally, he is a pragmatist.

From his anecdotes, the fixes he applied to good players often involve toning down a tendency - e.g. Tony Jacklin's tendency to let his 'figure 8' shape get to exaggerated - not a big 'swing change' (e.g. Leadbetter).

Anyway, to me, Jacobs is a guy who sees the golf swing as like a lifelong walk on a balance beam - you fall off a lot, but can go higher and more complex as you develop.

The opposite of the view that golf is about the discovery of some 'secret' or other (or running on 'automatic').

IIRC, he is also of the view that there are a great many ways to play golf well.

His detractors might call him a 'band aid' teacher.

(BTW: how much of a "change" was Tiger's first change job with Harmon, and how much was it just Harmon toning down some tendencies? - e.g. Tiger's tendency to overswing)
I worked for Jacobs with Hardy and Haney. What would you like to know? Johns style was unique. Stood alone in its approach; a gentle man who kicked ass when he had to and had the most amazing "feel". Great British wit, sardonic yet kind,and timing-Man he defined timing! My musician buddy says its not the notes it's what is BETWEEN the notes that gives composition to the whole deal. I saw him walk up and down a line of Southwest section golf pros and make one or two swing corrections and every one of them was spot on. The guys stood as one in admiration. I was on the fence About full time teaching until i met John. I jumped off quickly! That's when i said man i want some of that. Some people are just born to do certain things. John Jacobs was here to here to teach golf. 90 now and going strong. There is value in red wine!


Interesting stuff. Do certain elements work better at offsetting each other than other elements, I wonder?

It's funny; this kinda helps explain why certain things work better for me than others.

Now having taken into account all the laws of probability that boils down to a definite maybe.
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