Johnny Miller Fundamentals Video

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JM demonstrates and emphasizes a move back with the LEFT knee, hip, shoulder, arm and hand involved in one rotational motion. There is no suggestion of a lateral shift/slide or delayed hip rotation. Some recommend for professionals an initial lateral move to delay or slow hip rotation and for the less proficient who need more shoulder rotation, an immediate hip rotation. Others recommend limiting hip rotation for the less skilled because it affects clearing the hips on the target side. One TGM camp advocates initiating the pivot with a right forearm pickup.

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Is JM saying to hit the ball with your right side, to get to your left side. If not what is he saying,
yes...his main idea is to put your right hand (palm) through an imaginary wall to activate all the big muscles through the hitting zone...


I thought hitting with your r side is a no-no in a golf swing. How many pro`s hit with their r side?
Brian and forum members,

Who (instructor) had the biggest influence on his swing?

J.M. seems to demonstrate a TGM influence in his description even though it is not mentioned.


I spoke to someone who is reasonably close to Miller's golf and family background. Best as he can recall is that John Gertsen Senior probably had the biggest influence when he was younger.

Even when Miller was on the BYU team sometimes the whole team would come to San Fran for sessions with Gertsen.

Something else my friend told me is that BYU had a policy of taking their teams overseas for experience on some of the famous courses in Europe so no doubt helped his game.

Re Miller's putting woes - in the last tournament he won he was putting looking at the hole on most if not all of the holes.
Ballard and Miller

In his book JB refers to a JM slump attributed to his “bowing” on the follow-through as opposed to finishing in an “erect and balanced position” with shoulders and hips level and facing the target as in Common Denominator #7. The bow was said to be the result of a reverse pivot.
A head of Moe Norman , all those guys a head of Moe, I don't think so, Moe was the best , if he could putt or didn't have the mental illness he could have showed more, but those guys were not ahead of him with ballstiking.
Johnny should put a book or a video out for advanced golfers , he states things that teachers don't talk about, like him or not he knows his stuff,

I would place all of them ahead of Moe Norman for sure! Part of quality ball striking is power. I know lots of folks who hit it dead straight with little or no clubhead speed.

I have had that Miller video forever. I think it makes more sense the more I learn from BMANZ.
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