Johnny Miller "Knee Snap"

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In this video you can see Tiger slide his left foot away from the target line as he straightens the left leg:


My guess would be that it's his way of getting parametric acceleration.
In this video you can see Tiger slide his left foot away from the target line as he straightens the left leg:


My guess would be that it's his way of getting parametric acceleration.

Related to the "jump".



Players such as Johnny Miller or Tiger snap their knee right after impact (maybe during?).
Does this produce a more powerful kinetic chain snap? And why does it happen???
Johnny's foot actually rolls back a bit.

Here you can see a swing sequence of Johnny that Brian posted about a year ago.

I don't see any evidence of either knee snapping - straightening from bent through impact in - this sequence.

However, that is not to say that players do not straighten their left (target side) legs dramatically through impact in an attempt to hit with more power. Notoriously Tiger! :D


Well .. if centrifugal force exerts a 100+ lbs of pull downwards, perhaps Miller and Tiger are straightening their lead left knee to counteract the centrifugal pull ... ya think?

On the Sadlowski topic thread, it was noted that he had a bent lead left elbow coming through Impact ... which is another form of pulling up against the centrifugal pull down ... but there are other problems with this analysis as I pointed out.

Mighty strange kinetic confusion here .....!!!!!


In one of his early golfswing books when he was still with Harmon, Tiger says he more rapidly straightens his left leg when he wants more distance.

How can this be ..???!!!!!
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