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Actually, there are two forces at work; Normal and Shear. Normal is the feet pressing downward and perpendicular while transferring weight and shear is parallel with the rotational movement of the hips.
Torque is created by Shear forces moving rotationally and creating clubhead speed against and with a solid base of normal force going into the ground.

I didn't read this post the first time but this is partly incorrect also. Normal force would be the ground pushing up on the feet. What you are describing is called normal stress. This info doesn't really have much relevance to this thread anyways though. Physics terms probably should be left out of golf instruction.
If one is using Pivot Powered hand controlled swing procedure, at what point in the downswing do the hips fire so that they will be open at impact? Is it when the hands are head high, shoulder high or even lower?
Take two aspirin with a glass of Manzella koolaid and we'll see you in the morning.LOL:)
I didn't read this post the first time but this is partly incorrect also. Normal force would be the ground pushing up on the feet. What you are describing is called normal stress. This info doesn't really have much relevance to this thread anyways though. Physics terms probably should be left out of golf instruction.


Ground Zero

How long should one wait for the "ground to push up on the feet"? Golf discussions create unlimited opportunities to torture the language. All of us receive information within parameters developed over a life-time of communication with others. Most of the threads in the forum offer examples of "mis-communication", just keep plugging and the thoughts will connect.

I find the forum informative and enjoyable, great way to deal with our 11 inch snowfall here in Central Illinois.
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