Kevin Shields
Super Moderator
If you would just actually DO the NHA pattern, you would get fades. You are missing two key components of that pattern. There's a disconnect between what you are actually doing and what you are attempting to do.
1.) You are missing the "Left of the Wall" component
2.) You are missing the "Left thumb UNDER the shaft" at the top.
I would describe your latest swing as "Up the Wall, Down the Wall, and Back Up the Wall". You really need to get that club swinging left of the wall immediately after impact. If you spent 2 minutes on a waist-high plane board, you would get the feel for how far left that clubhead needs to swing.
Get that left thumb under the shaft. Your argument about Lee Trevino hitting fades from a bowed left wrist doesn't hold up because:
1.) Trevino aimed 40 yards left of target and hit block fades
2.) Trevino's forearms were as big as my thighs
NHA is a straight-fade or slight pull-fade pattern. Think more Colin Montgomerie and less Lee Trevino. It's a pattern that works if you match all the components. You are using an "incompatible variation" with that bowed left wrist and square setup.
That bowed left wrist is actually hindering your natural instincts to do the "Left of the Wall" move after impact. If you'd get the left thumb under the shaft at the top, the clubface would be more open. You will probably flare your first few shots way out to the right - off the planet kind of right - but if you stuck with that position at the top, you will instinctively start swinging more left after impact and you just might get NHA to work for you.
I was thinking the same exact thing but i feel feeble when others can express their thoughts this much better than i can.