cal7426 is correct. Walking "is" instinctive for humans. It is a natural survival mechanism that is present in the newborn (see "Stepping Reflex"). However, it takes on average about 13 1/2 months before the newborn/infant is "physically mature" enough to walk.
The walking or stepping reflex is present at birth; though infants this young can not support their own weight, when the soles of their feet touch a flat surface they will attempt to 'walk' by placing one foot in front of the other. This reflex disappears at 6weeks as an automatic response and reappears as a voluntary behavior at around eight months to a year old. It's a reflex because it needs a stimulus.
Nowhere does this say that it is an instinct for survival, other reflexes are PRIMITIVE FOR SURVIVAL. It say's this is a reflex and disappears at 6weeks and reappears as a voluntary behaviour not an instinct. Instincts don't disappear and reappear as voluntary behaviour. Instincts are survival response, automatic, involuntary. VOLUNTARY IMPLIES YOU HAVE A CHOICE , INVOLUNTARY MEANS YOU HAVE NO CHOICE! Read the whole article. Anyways it's getting a wee bit off topic, ya think?
Like Scarface said: Even when I lie, I tell the truth.
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