left arm question

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What does that mean, not enough room between left shoulder and hand?..That has me fascinated.

Search "throw the drunk off your back" for the left shoulder moving up and back into impact.

For danattherock and maybe OLIVER1, I said it before and it seems to have been overlooked: learn the correct hand swivel through the swing, NSA style.
Search "throw the drunk off your back" for the left shoulder moving up and back into impact.

For danattherock and maybe OLIVER1, I said it before and it seems to have been overlooked: learn the correct hand swivel through the swing, NSA style.

Thanks spktho, Can you point me to a thread where I can get at least a little idea of hand swivel. I'm having Brian's videos shipped to me soon, but i wouldn't mind a running start...
Thanks once again
It looks to me like your left shoulder is too close to the ball at impact; there's not enough room between your left shoulder and left hand. The only way you could have your left arm straight with the location of your left shoulder was if your hands were a mile ahead of the ball. And if you were able to do that, you might break the shaft with the divot you'd take.

Try to focus on getting your shoulder farther from the ball at impact.

Thanks man. Straighter left arm (lever) at impact? Stand taller to facilitate this? I notice my head is dipping down a bit during the swing. As I go down (dipping) I have to bend my arm I guess. Not sure how to fix it, but I appreciate the suggestion. Stand taller? Any ideas? I can see now what looks wrong, but the fix is eluding me.

Dan, the best money I ever spent on golf:

Never Slice Again 2

Not just for slicers either.

Actually, probably the 2nd best money I spent. The first being getting a lesson from Brian in person.
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