Left Arm Rotation

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I know this will differ from pattern to pattern, but how much does everybody's left arm rotate in the backswing?

I always tended to over-rotate so I have gone in the opposite direction and feel like the club just stays outside the hands throughout the whole backswing (feel) with some pretty good results. My thin misses have disappeared, anyways.

I'll post a vid sooner or later, but wanted to see what thoughts I could get.

What misses are prone to under rotating vs over rotating? Is there a general consensus amongst board members as to which is favorable?

Thanks for any insight,



This is perhaps related to clubface control. I would think if you are rotating the left arm, you are also rotating the clubface (depending on the direction of rotation, you could be rolling it open).

Brian discusses the over-rotated left arm in the Soft Draw video. Basically that's a draw killing move.
323...I am working on the same thing that you are...I have tendency to rotate my left arm on my back swing which induces an inside movement from which i rarely recover...one of my swing thoughts to get this right is to keep right hand higher than left on the takeaway (others talk about right wrist staying higher than left wrist which is the same thing)...this 'movement' appears to restrict my left arm's clockwise rotation, helps keep the club slightly to the outside.

This currently my one-piece takeaway mantra...the arms don't do anything at start of takeaway....the body turns the club back entirely...and then the arms pick up the club.

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
I know this will differ from pattern to pattern, but how much does everybody's left arm rotate in the backswing?

I always tended to over-rotate so I have gone in the opposite direction and feel like the club just stays outside the hands throughout the whole backswing (feel) with some pretty good results. My thin misses have disappeared, anyways.

I'll post a vid sooner or later, but wanted to see what thoughts I could get.

What misses are prone to under rotating vs over rotating? Is there a general consensus amongst board members as to which is favorable?

Thanks for any insight,


Bolded part: That's dangerous, can lead to a lot of pop out. So if you AREN'T popping out with that "feel" that's OK but i won't lie to you at some point you will overdo and start to pop out. Just happens with that type of feel.

Just be careful. I've always found making backswings (only backswings) with your back slightly away from a wall and don't let the club hit the wall it will force you to rotate less and get more "up" which is generally the problem. Too much in and not enough up.
Bolded part: That's dangerous, can lead to a lot of pop out. So if you AREN'T popping out with that "feel" that's OK but i won't lie to you at some point you will overdo and start to pop out. Just happens with that type of feel.

What is the consequence of a pop out? Let me guess...high and right?

Just be careful. I've always found making backswings (only backswings) with your back slightly away from a wall and don't let the club hit the wall it will force you to rotate less and get more "up" which is generally the problem. Too much in and not enough up.

An alternative/complimentary drill...Lay a club perpendicular to a wall. Place back foot against end of club (as if you're hitting in direction of club OR away from wall), so that you are in effect one club length away from the wall...pick up club and then takeway/backswing...ensuring that you do not hit the wall...should help you limit the amount the hands travel back which could help with the pop out..


The terms inside and outside can get confusing. Golfball, to clarify, do you mean perhaps you try to keep the clubhead between your hands and the ball? That would be more the SD backswing Erik alluded to. Or do you mean your hands are between the ball and the clubhead?
I'll post a video later tonight. That will clear some things up.

Jim - Don't notice any pop out yet and the results have been good. I will keep this in the back of my mind.
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