New the letters he wrote..."
Would anyone care to shed some light on these letters?
And,,,regarding sag,,,is it left side lean toward the target at the top of the backswing bordering on, and if not, a reverse pivot action?
For those that may have said he has this sag, was this attributable to something Birdie has mentioned and I have thought about as well, that there was potentially more weight distribution inside the left shoe of hogan's toward the top of the backswing? I am not saying that he has more weight on the left, but more than we think...
And Hogan (younger) and Nicklaus (somehere on this site) at the finish with what appers to be a bunch of weight on the trail foot! Could sag cause this? Or just a byproduct of the reverse C?
Would anyone care to shed some light on these letters?
And,,,regarding sag,,,is it left side lean toward the target at the top of the backswing bordering on, and if not, a reverse pivot action?
For those that may have said he has this sag, was this attributable to something Birdie has mentioned and I have thought about as well, that there was potentially more weight distribution inside the left shoe of hogan's toward the top of the backswing? I am not saying that he has more weight on the left, but more than we think...
And Hogan (younger) and Nicklaus (somehere on this site) at the finish with what appers to be a bunch of weight on the trail foot! Could sag cause this? Or just a byproduct of the reverse C?