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When I see video and picture of good ballstrikers, they seem to have very quiet lower bodies. I am wondering if that is a conscious effort or the result of the proper swing motion? There seems only to be slight lateral shift and then posting up on the left leg. Part of my problem has been the overuse of the legs. My hips are way open at impact and sometimes the right knee is ahead of the club. Any ideas on how to fix this? Thanks



An issue I am quite familiar with ;)

One of the single best drills for this was shown to me by Lynn. Use two dowels (about 45" or so), and some bungee cords, strap the dowels to the legs, one to the thighs and one to the shins, so that they are parallel to your target line.

If you use the lower body too much (or if you get 'stuck' as they say) your clubshaft will make contact 'behind' the dowels on your legs. If you instead maintain the proper relationship between the hands and chest/lower body, the club will move down in front of the dowels, right in time to really mash the ball using your full body to support impact.


This excellent drill is mutating. I use the dowel strapped to the quads (hooked with the bungee cord), but not the one on the shins. Haven't tried it, but I will. By the way, original credit on this goes to TGM Authorized Instructor V. J. Trolio, PGA teaching professional at Old Waverly Golf Club in Jackson, MI, who showed me this in a Master Class held earlier this year. Great with juniors!

BTW, a more lethal version of this drill is to simply run the dowel through the front belt loops (parallel to the Plane Line). Twist too fast here and...

Those drills sound scary- but I will give it a go at home. Don't think I will be trying these at the range! Thanks again.

I have long fought this problem of overactive legs. The drills sounded great so I tried them today at the range. Had no bungee cords so I slid a shaft between my front belt loops as suggested. In order to miss the shaft I got nothing but pulls. Have I set up the drill incorrectly? Are these pulls an indication of another fault? What might that be?
Thanks for the help.
That is what I am focusing on now. Played yesterday and had a great ball striking day. I also did hit a lot of balls keeping my right foot on the ground through the whole swing= great impact. However, my distance suffered a bit.



quote:Originally posted by brianman

Flat right foot at impact is a good thing....


Hard to do for a non-flexible Swinger.

Because the hands and chest need to stay in synch, or "connected"

"Keep the Spoke Straight"

Use the 'swinging force' and move '90 degree support' from the ground, through the ground, through the line of compression. Sending PP#1 to your aiming point in front of the ball, to both arms straight.

Downplane to both arms straight. Cracking that whip.
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