A perfect weekend school: great weather, great practice facility, two excellent courses, eight great guys of reasonably similar ability, knowledge and enthusiasm, two great teachers/players, and a terrific organizer.
A couple of comments. First, for those wondering about Brian's approach and TGM: only the most basic TGM terminology was used, and all the terms are pretty much explained in plain English by Brian. If you are conversant in TGM, great: Brian and Tom can talk to you in TGM-ese; if you don't know a lot of the TGM details, no problem. Brian teaches golf, not TGM.
Second, a lot of us like to discuss golf theory, particularly on the forums, and we chatted a bit about the great swings, the name teachers, "methods" and the like over meals. But in teaching, as well as playing, results are what count. Mine were immediate and significant (one club pick-up within the first half hour; two clubs, occasionaly, by the end of the second day, with more to come, at least according to Brian). As others have said before, Brian has the ability to both get to the key areas that need improving and provide specific, effective changes. By the results I was getting, I was not left wondering if I was on the right path.
Bottom line: I've found my teacher (and he's Italian, in case anyone was wondering...). And, I expect to kick ass on the course in 2006.
Thanks for the great experience Brian, Tom, Jennifer, and everyone else! I hope we can schedule an alumni school later this year.