Originally posted by Brian Manzella
The POINT of the statement is simply this:
The Golfing Machine is a SYSTEM that explains ALL METHODS.
There is NO ONE WAY to teach golf using G.O.L.F. principles.
But some, Chris, think that there is ONLY one way. That's the way Homer showed them. And if you or I don't teach G.O.L.F. that way, then you are less of a teacher.
All I care about is RESULTS. I get results. Read the reviews again.
You are a good kid, and probably a fine instructor, but, young man, I have been doing this a LONG time. I have been APPLYING the principles in Homer's book every day, sometimes late into the night, for over 20 years.
And I did it in New Orleans when ALL the other instructors—and that includes the ones who were teaching wide-wide stances and impact with a vertical shaft—were making FUN of me.
I went through every kind of METHOD possible to teach people to sustain the line of compression.
I hear you teach people chip and pitch first. Great. I did too, and I did it for a LONG time.
But, like you heard from me in my presentation at The Golfing Machine Summit, I LEARNED that IT DIDN'T WORK THE BEST FOR EVERY SINGLE STUDENT.
So, I adjusted my approach. I found—like I demonstrated at my Orlando School—that sometimes (not every time), you can get golfers to a flat left wrist through impact SOONER and KEEP THEM THERE LONGER if you fix the part of the pattern that is flawed enough to REWARD them for 'flipping.'
It, and many, many other little tricks of the trade, were made with my BLOOD SWEAT AND TEARS on the lesson tee. A lesson tee that wasn't always lined with roses. I was ALWAYS the guy the other instructors were WORRIED about. Still am.
My guess is that if I'm right. If there is a better way or a faster way or a simplier way—or maybe SEVERAL of the above, then the way they teach or were taught to teach, is maybe not the best ALL THE TIME for EVERY GOLFER.
I love golf. I love it as much as anyone. And I HAVE AN AGENDA.
I think I can 'get to' (as in fix) the most golfers of ANYONE I have ever seen.
I told Joe Daniels and Danny Elkins two years ago almost to the day, at the same PGA SHOW I am at for the 23th consectutive year at my own expense, that if there were TGMers out there who knew something useful I didn't know, I would go learn it.
I did.
But I also said, those people WOULDN'T learn from me. And they haven't. They won't. It is not part of the program for them. No problem, it's a free country.
I will attend this show with HOPE. The same HOPE I attend EVERY show and summit for the last 23 years. The HOPE that I learn something new, so I can share it with those who want to learn. Just like the ones who came to my school this past weekend and the THOUSANDS who visit this site and buy my videos.
Why can't have a united front? Beacause we all can't be #1. It's why Tiger and Phil and Vijay don't hang out together. It's why the CEO of America's two largest pizza companys don't go on vacation together. Got it?
I always hope that the reviews posted on this site from private lessons and golf schools and videos are good. Heck, I hope they are all great.
But I know I CAN TEACH BETTER. I teach better now than last year. And that year better than the last.
Thanks for trying to help in your own way, Chris. I'll see you at The Golfing Machine Reception, with all the TGMers who, even though they are competitors, still think Homer's legacy is best served by being there.