Long Back Swing

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What are some of the negatives of having a backswing that gets pretty far past parallel? Should one work on trying to get more control of the club at the top. What might be some problems with shortening the swing other than throwing off a players timing? There seems to be a few good players with a swing that gets long, Phil's and Payne Stewarts are some that come to mind. What might be some good drills to add more control of the club at the top? Or should someone not try to shorten the swing, I have heard some different opinions, just wanted to see what ya'll think.

What about too short? Our last lesson you focused on my spine reversing back to the target at the top and my right hip bumping to the right. I have found that I can avoid the reverse if I use a 7/8 swing-- truly short of parallel . There something about that extra shoulder turn at the top that makes me point the base of my spine back to the target. This last week I have been hitting with a remarkably shorter backswing, while still getting the sharp hip turn. So my question is whether I am applying the proper remedy to avoid the reverse at the top. Most of my drives are 245-265 with this swing, but they are straightER. But I know I can crack a 300 yarder in the fairway 1 out 18 times if I really go at it with a full swing.

I have been experimenting at the range with the concept of seeing how short of a backswing I can use and still get a 9-iron to the 135 yard post. I believe that out of all of the people I see at the range, I can hit a 9-iron 135 yards with the shortest backswing of all- 2/3 toward parallel. I have to really concentrate on float loading with a snap release to do it. Am I on the right track or do I need to set up another appointment?


long or short, you should keep your hands and chest turning through the shot together - you'll run into problems if you can't do that. Get those arms flopping around, and you'll never have good timiing. Big arm swing requires big shoulder turn, or perfect timing

Look at Hogan - he keeps his hands and chest together, doesn't let those arms move independently
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