Long/over-rotated Backswing + Accross the line = outside in path?

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Hitting the ball so pure right now, but I cant shift this fade spin on the ball! I believe it is a pull fade but I dont seem to deloft the club as the ball soars high. I can only seem to hit it straight if I pull it, but again there is no loss in height. I have an avg swing speed of 100-105 with a five iron so any small degree of offset between path and face really shows up on the flight at the moment. The driver can look more like a bomberang at times.

I have noticed that a slightly shorter backswing than my standard seems to straighten the ball out and on occasion turn it into a draw. question is, is there a correlation or cause and effect relationship bewteen a long over rotated backswing coupled with an across the line orientation of the club and coming across the ball?

As I say my contact is pure, no preblem, if only I could calm down this shape without having to resort to aiming right and pulling it.

Getting to the next level for me depends on tackling this issue - any advice out there?

for any one who is interested enough to view my swing and see my long backswing check out:

1000fps.m4v - YouTube

Frazer20's Channel - YouTube
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