Why does that link just take me to the forum page and no video pops up? Is there another link?
Why does that link just take me to the forum page and no video pops up? Is there another link?
for the snap/sweep video , the path used to be this (without the spaces):
homepage.mac. com /brianmanzella /.Movies/
However, due to changes in Apple's virtual drives, a lot of access is going away, more and more so. I would hope Brian might post some old ones up from time to time.
I know I have seen this video. The video is of two of Lindsay Gahm's swings, JUST from the top through impact.
Thanks for posting the clip dschultz6072.
Is there video of Brian's pre '88 swing? Just curious.
The only thing I don't really like in it is the "right shoulder down plane" BS.
Thanks for posting the clip dschultz6072.
Is there video of Brian's pre '88 swing? Just curious.
I haven't watched that video in a while. Funny that he's describing what I posted in Erik_K's thread. I guess my "drop" from the top was just adding some more right bend, therefore getting my rear end behind me.
Another gem by BManz but I prefer the remix
<iframe width="480" height="390" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
I thought Brian indicated that this was after he started working with Ben.