Manuel Merizalde Swing Sequence

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Once again... awesome, looks like a big guy, love the top of backswing.

Question, do you have any videos like this of your less talented players who have made a drop. Say a 20hdcper who has gone to low teens?


Very nice swing. Looks like he hits a ton of GIR with that motion. A touch steep, but not a problem really. Very accurate motion.


I have to say I don't share the forums optimism. It looks good but again its not a +5 handicappers swing...which is about the standard needed to be on tour...
I am not criticing here but asking a question.

I look similar at the top of my swing where my lead shoulder is between my knees and not over the back knee. My instructor wants me over the back knee.

Is he correct? And, what is the correct position at the top as regards lead shoulder and trail knee?
I suck so take this with a grain of salt.

At impact, his hands seem more outside, or closer to the target line, then they were at set up.

Awesome swing, and you're students have the coolest golf wardrobe. I like Anna's newest swing sequence (and mini shorts) :)

He was a three time all-american at BYU and semi-finalist at the US Amateur. He is from Columbia and is now trying to play professionally.

quote:Originally posted by galanga

I am not criticing here but asking a question.

I look similar at the top of my swing where my lead shoulder is between my knees and not over the back knee. My instructor wants me over the back knee.

Is he correct? And, what is the correct position at the top as regards lead shoulder and trail knee?

Depending on your axis tilt, as long as the turn is full and the shouldr is behind the ball you will be in great shape.

I would agree with njmp2 about the amount of tilt at set-up. I would also add that the amount of lateral head movement is another factor in determining where the shoulder is at the top.

Personally, I am not a big fan of excessive tilt at set-up so many of my students don't have the shoulder over the knee as your instructor is suggesting. Just my opinion.


Just curious, what do think qualifies as a tour swing? Is this swing lacking something in your estimation?

I can tell you that this guy can flat play and has had success on every level.


I agree that his hands are a little closer to the target line at impact than address. This is normal with most players and more pronounced with longer hitters.

BTW, I agree with you about Anna and I will also tell you she is a great student and an even better person.

Matthew, compare it to the Number One Golfer in the World (VJ's). I also like it as well as #2, Tiger's. Bored? OK, compare it to Bobby Jones' and tell me why anyone would make a big deal about BJ's swing or wish to emulate it.

My only reservation, is these super athletic swings are rarely in total control. Compare to Moe Norman.
I do see a definite area for improvement in Moe's action.
You have to like the stationary head, right forearm pick up,
straight plane line, flat left wrist, bent right wrist.
Indeed he might. In fact, that applies to a new swing I've been working on. But I didn't get it from TGM. I'm not against some of the relevant principles in TGM. Not at all.
Moe is an excellent model to follow. Very few compensations. He is perfect at impact. I believe he would have been even better if he had trained to retain the flat left/bent right wrist past impact.
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