MANZELLA VIDEO: Four for the Road

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Brian Manzella

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Couple things...

Thanks for the video first a formost

I think the instruction in topic 3 (I hate "tip") is the way Tiger pitches, butt of club center and just rotates at the same RPM as body.

In item four, I was working on this but I am not a slicer but the things you described fit my finish to a tee, bent left wrist, chicken wing....but when I made this move it was hook and left city. So would this not be recommended for someone who hooks the ball, or maybe someone who already has a strong face position into impact?
thanks for the great tips brian...going to southeast asia monday (philippines) and bringing my recently purchased ping eye 2's (my all time fav clubs even though made in the 80's!!), steven (btw any plans to visit so. california ? love to get some lessons) steven

Brian Manzella

In item four, I was working on this but I am not a slicer but the things you described fit my finish to a tee, bent left wrist, chicken wing....but when I made this move it was hook and left city. So would this not be recommended for someone who hooks the ball, or maybe someone who already has a strong face position into impact?

If you want to really learn how this movement can relate to your swing, practice doing it and hitting FADES!
I think the instruction in topic 3 (I hate "tip") is the way Tiger pitches, butt of club center and just rotates at the same RPM as body.

Brian is right on here... on tour, you see that move/finish position all the time. It's just that Tiger does it better then anybody else...;)

If you want to really learn how this movement can relate to your swing, practice doing it and hitting FADES!

Exactly what I have been working on lately, on my own. Feels weird to swing so far left, even after being a slicer for so long. Thank you for the confirmation.


Great tips, Brian, I need to work on my carry in order to get rid of those low hooks.
Have a great New Year.

Brian, that is the Brian Manzella I know that I have been waiting to see. That, hands down would have been the best video submitted to TGC. Absolutely your best yet, very natural and comfortable presentation. Short and to the point with a ton of great stuff. You have such a great way of explaining and demonstrating. I really beleive this is the start of some great things to come for everyone looking to learn. Thank you!


Topic three is something I have been messing with already. Now I think I can stop messing and start trying.

yes but being a lot smarter then these middle schoolers......................i would like

to know the sciencetisity of each tip

does the carry lead to a zero-d out impact of turbulent fortitiude or is neg + 1 torgue

just as ,likely to accomplish the correct meaning of what you tried to say


yes but being a lot smarter then these middle schoolers......................i would like

to know the sciencetisity of each tip

does the carry lead to a zero-d out impact of turbulent fortitiude or is neg + 1 torgue

just as ,likely to accomplish the correct meaning of what you tried to say

Just a common mans way of getting your resultant path closer to straight if you are fighting underplane issues.

It's highly technical I wouldn't expect your primitive brain to understand.;):cool:
I like #3 with the handle closer to the belt buckle.

What is your opinion on taking the club back straigher when chipping so as not to get stuck with the club going around/behind you?
You sure do NOT want to go to in!

Sometimes when chipping in particular I feel that the club goes very low and to the inside so even on a small swing (8 o'clock position) I feel the club gets stuck behind my legs (if that makes sense). If I take it straighter back it then feels like the face is delofted so I though I'd ask for your opinion.
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