Manzella's Favorite Quotes!

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Horton entered with zero crediblity and thought he had nothing to lose. He will depart, embarrassed and negative credibility.
We are to assume that McGiver pulled out his slide rule and some bubble gum and was able to estimate Yoda's Swing spd and carry with less than 1% error? He's a legend in his own mind! - Corky
I overheard in person:

Tommy Bolt, after playing behind Cary Middlecoff for several holes, "That gentleman is a slow (not abbreviated) S.O.B!

Tony Lema, at the Masters, while addressing a tee shot, accidently knocked the ball from tee said, quite loud, "Sh*T."

On 18, at Augusta, after hitting his tee shot (hook) behind the closest fairway bunker (was different in those days) as he was studying 2 nd. shot, Turned to caddy and asked, "What club do I need to hit those people behind the Green?" Caddy Replied, "A 5 iron." He replied, "Give me a 5 iron," Senior Moment! Can't at the moment, remember name! He is now well known short game instructor?
Getting old is a bitch! Added later-Phil Rogers!)

My all time favorite saying by who?
"He constantly fails to achieve the low standards he sets for himself!" Many times wanted to insert into an evaluation report.

But perhaps we all should adopt this thought, He/she is doing their best with what they got!
quote:Originally posted by MizunoJoe


Was the guy who asked for the 5 iron, Phil Rodgers?

Yes. and believe it or not, I added /edited previous before I read this post! When old lots of things take longer.


"You're either born to play golf or you're not. All it takes is hitting a million balls to find out which."

- Dave Hill, former PGA Tour professional.
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