MAY 2004- Perfect Pivot Part 2- The Downswing!

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Brain, thanks much for putting the pics in. There is a lot of good info in here.

Brian said about the transition and the shoulders..
>>They must switch from their backswing plane, well above the ball, to a much steeper plane running just inside the ball.<<

Comparing the two pictures (#2 and #5 I guess) which are from behind, could you expand on what it takes to get the shoulders (particularly the right) in the proper place? It's got be more than just a squat and a tilt (right [?]). The hands are coming back to something like the shaft plane from up high, so I guess I'm looking for what you consider guides the hands down which will get the shoulders right.

In my own case, I get the right elbow tucked into the side and the shaft pointing more at the ball, and during this there is a small duration of time where the hands wind up lowering. It may just be I'm not aware of what the pivot and axis tilt are doing.


Perhaps a side view pic of the axis tilt to the right would be helpful.

Also, some more explanation of the sit down, slide, and sit up sequencing and execution would be helpful.
In Perfect Pivot #1, you discussed the drill of the shaft on the end of the spine and trying to keep that stationary in the backswing.

Can the same be said for the downswing, that is, that the shaft should be stationary to some point in the swing? Say to impact or release?

When I do the shaft drill while throwing a ball, I naturally keep the shaft stationary in the load-up and through the release. Basically, the base of the spine stays stationary and the rest of the meat cranks around it. Is this a good feel for the swing?
does that mean the faster you swing the more the club will pull you into a different position? I.e. shoulder more turned?
Great Stuff

"the golfer should ‘fall’ back toward the left foot after getting to the top of the swing."

Great article. Love the bit quoted above.

Brian Manzella

Yup it was published....

It is just a basic Never Slice Again pivot.

Just like in the video.

Of course, it was in the context of several articles all based on NSA.

Lots of folks thought that was the "Basic Manzella Pivot."

hi rugby

if you go to

type in brian manzella episode 6

great stuff on pivots...............I am not answering your exact question..but this others is good
Yup it was published....

It is just a basic Never Slice Again pivot.

Just like in the video.

Of course, it was in the context of several articles all based on NSA.

Lots of folks thought that was the "Basic Manzella Pivot."

Where was it published? If you don't mind my asking.
I think what he means is that the pictures do not show up in that thread any more, I am in the same boat as him......they dont come up for me either.
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