Brain, thanks much for putting the pics in. There is a lot of good info in here.
Brian said about the transition and the shoulders..
>>They must switch from their backswing plane, well above the ball, to a much steeper plane running just inside the ball.<<
Comparing the two pictures (#2 and #5 I guess) which are from behind, could you expand on what it takes to get the shoulders (particularly the right) in the proper place? It's got be more than just a squat and a tilt (right [?]). The hands are coming back to something like the shaft plane from up high, so I guess I'm looking for what you consider guides the hands down which will get the shoulders right.
In my own case, I get the right elbow tucked into the side and the shaft pointing more at the ball, and during this there is a small duration of time where the hands wind up lowering. It may just be I'm not aware of what the pivot and axis tilt are doing.