More FIXES from your faults from Brian M.!

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Brian Manzella

OK...the other thread was a good idea, but, like most things, could be even better.

Here is the way it will work:

Post your fault and I'll post the fix inside of the original post in BLUE.

This will be MUCH easier to follow.

So I locked the other thread for now.

For those who did not get their fault 'fixed', please post again.


Hanging too much on my right side/not enough and too little weight shift, for all clubs, using multiple ball postions, from middle of chest to outside of left shoulder.

Most people 'hang back' through the ball because it is easier to swing left in order to play some degree of slice.

If you can learn to rotate your whole left arm through the ball without bending your left wrist at all, you will be on your way.
Too far inside of a takeaway.

The dreaded "Shoulder Turn Takeaway."

The solution is to use the HANDS to take the club to the top and allow this action to 'move' the body.



Loss of "Behind-the-sweetspot" clubhead lag pressure.

Make practice swings from normal address (with a ball) INSIDE of the ball (whiff it) with a still-forward divot.

Make swings feeling like the toe of the club is getting thrown pass the heel (with a flat left wrist).
Can't find a way to reliably start downswing with lower body.


Leave your hands at the top. It helps a bunch if your HANDS took you to the top and PULLED all the pivot components there. The left foot should move the hands (on the downswing) if this slack is removed.
While attempting your "twist away" method with a PW, I get good ball flight mixed in with hosel rockets.

When a golfer thinks it going left he tries to 'get UNDER it.'

The under-it being: UNDER THE SWEETSPOT.

Stop twisting too much and stop the backswing with your left thumb, then feel like you are hitting a little draw with your wedges.
From basic chipping, thru full shots-----why does having the right elbow kept in, "golfers elbow", have such a positive effect on impact?

The further forward the elbow---the further forward the hands could be.
Chicken wing

Too strong of a grip coupled with too little body turn through and the attempt at steering the clubhead 'down-the-line'(reverse swiveling).
Pull hooks, with the occasional push slice thrown in.

Upper body moving forward and right shoulder high through impact.

This will produce the pull hook but fearing this, you get UNDER IT and do the opposite.

Right shoulder should move toward the ball on the downswing and the head should never move forward during the 'strike.'


Clubhead points ACROSS the line at the top when it should be parallel.

Too little left arm rotation on the backswing.

Try to point your left thumb staright behind you at the top.
Low hooking ballflight

Below the plane and too far to the right.

Try to hit cuts with your driver off of the ground. Aim as far to the left AND swing as far to the left as you need to to make it cut.

Then progressively using shorter clubs start the ball LEFT of an intermediate target and try to work the ball right. Aim as far left as you have to...and then less and less


I can't get in the "sit down" position.

Your throw isn't getting thrown correctly.

If you are a HITTER, and your launching pad isn't pushing back, you will move to far forward too soon.

If you are a swinger, and you don't crank the gyroscope early enough, you will move forward too soon.
Shaft alot more upright at impact than at address.

Off plane move from the top that has to 'fit in' to hit the ball.

Make practice swings that miss the ball on the INSIDE, but makes a divot in front of the ball.

Then do it (fit in) the RIGHT ammount.
Hips too fast on throughswing leading to pulls so I closed my stance and hit inside out against a very strong left side.

Sounds like you found a fix, but the real culprit is you right shoulder...Makeit go directly at the ball from the top (it will feel like you are putting it in your right pants pocket).
Backswing too flat

Combination of a shoulder turn takeaway AND a fanning right forearm.

Do one or the other.

If you must do the shoulder turn takeaway...LIFT MORE.
Forward leg(left) fails to straighten, knee stays bent.
( I had L 3, 4 , 5 and tailbone fused after a water skii accident in 1959)

If the RIGHT SHOULDER does not move down plane from the top---or STOPS moving downplane and move 'down the target line'---AND you sence the need for axis tilt creation or retention, then you will bend the left knee. (A big fault of your host from time to time)

Make your right shoulder go toward the ball from the top of your swing without your head moving forward....

...but if you can't....aim right, step up WAY under with your right side and hit the inside-aft quadrant anyways.:D;)
Club crosses the line at top of bs in spite of proper left arm rotation, twistaway, flat left wrist and any attmepted backswing fix.

Does it point at the plane line??.

'Cause if it does you are perfect.
Practice backswing turn deep and hands high, swingers downswing. Real swing alot shorter and more of hitters. How do I get the real swing to replicate the practice?

Over Acelaration and Overly Anxious.

Practice making FULL length swings that don't go full length.

My favorite is 120 yard seven-irons with a swinging procedure.;)
Wear on driver face too low and too much towards toe.

Your pivot or power-package or both is(are) yanking the club below plane.

That darn right shoulder really needs to go down the turned shoulder plane to the ball...all the way through impact.
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