More FIXES from your faults from Brian M.!

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Brian Manzella

quote:Originally posted by golfboy

Extremely flat backswing...basically my chronic flaw. All ballstriking problems i have are related to this....hooks, low ballflight, etc.

I feel a lot less body resistance going back flat, but the "right" way feels like i can barely do a 3/4 swing.

A SHOULDER TURN TAKEAWAY + Hands that think THEY need to go back way inside= Your Problem.

Use your right forearm to establish an angle that it should PICK UP the club to the top of that angle. It should feel like you are--at first---leaving your chest at the ball. Make sure to go ALL THE WAY up this angle to the top. It'll drag the pivot to the correct spot and you won't br too flat anymore.
hhhmmm....lets see...stupid right knee straightening at top making for a overswing look and also closed clubface at top of swing...i admit, when i'm off, i'm a yanker! lol!


1. Lose balance.

2. Incomplete finish.

3. Above-plane takeaway.

4. Push to the right.

5. Way pass parallel on the top.

6. No divot after impact.

7. Raise-up during impact.

8. Poor distance for (most of the) women.

9. Re-grip prior to takeaway.

10. Overacceleration.

11. "Pivot-controlled-hands".

12. "Old dog can't learn new tricks".

Thanks for the attention, Brian!!
quote:Originally posted by BigBadDonkey

Backswing too flat

Combination of a shoulder turn takeaway AND a fanning right forearm.

Do one or the other.

If you must do the shoulder turn takeaway...LIFT MORE.

Thanks for the reply\help Brian. The fix you gave to golfboy's fault was also most helpful.


I frequently hit very low (2 - 3 feet high) off the tee. Many time it will hook left - these shots will start straight or a little left and then hook.

Fairway woods can be straight away tops. Ball is hit very solid and if it stays in the fairway will run a long ways.

Any clubs 6I and above almost always a much lower trajectory than other golfers.

Any assistance will be greatly appreciated. Still scrambling pretty well, with a 10 - 12 handicap.
Shoulders going from backswing plane to steeper downswing plane - is your advice from an earlier post the best way to accomplish this:

Make [right shoulder] go directly at the ball from the top (it will feel like you are putting it in your right pants pocket).
quote:Originally posted by strav

Wear on driver face too low and too much towards toe.

Your pivot or power-package or both is(are) yanking the club below plane.

That darn right shoulder really needs to go down the turned shoulder plane to the ball...all the way through impact.

If the club is below the shaft plane, wouldn't that cause the ball to impact on a higher part of the clubface?
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