More Soft Draw Questions

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Hi Brian,

I really enjoyed the video. A little over a year ago, when I saw you in person, you de-hooked me, with a NHA pattern. Then on a few follow up phone lessons, after I started swinging more left and "de-junked" my old swing, you started moving me towards the center of the Matrix with a Soft Draw pattern, and this video has clarified and expanded on some of that.

However, when I try to do the SD pattern, it ends up being more of a Hard Draw, and on video I can see that I am quite a bit inside-out.

I have always had an across the line tendency in my swing anyway, which is of course still there, and I am more than 1 yard to the right of target on all of the checkpoints except for the "one last point", where I am way left of target.

The only way I can get close to the "one last point" is to really concentrate on stopping my pivot past the ball.

What would your recommendation be for me from here?

1) Keep working on SD with some modifications (trying to swing more left within the confines of SD? Not getting so across the line at the top?)
2) Work towards another pattern, perhaps Soft Fade?

I'm excited to see that you will release NHA 2.0 soon, and can't wait to see soft fade, to see if that might suit me better?

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